The Purple Piano Project.

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Walking along the crowded corridors, a brunette girl kept her head tilted down towards the ground as she adjusted her headphones over her ears once again. Her heels lightly pattered along the flooring as she made her way towards her locker, she was oblivious to the world outside of the music that played through her ears from the headphones.Reaching her locker, she looked up and focused her hazel eyes on the lock, spinning the dial to the digits which made up her locker combination, she then proceeded to open it and study the spines of books neatly stacked inside til she found which ones she needed. She then packed them into her bag as neat as she could before removing her headphones and unplugging them from her phone to shove into her backpack. Gently she closed her locker so not to catch nearby attention and headed off towards the bathroom before first period.

Once she reached the bathroom, she stopped in front of the mirrors and put her bag down on the floor before starting to sort out the loose curls in her hair to make them look semi decent as they had become slightly windswept on the walk to school and then she proceeded to touch up her make up before class. Looking down at herself, she studied the outfit that she had decided to wear that day, she had a form fitting white blouse on, a pleated skirt that reached mid-thigh on her and some neutral tights and a pair of black heels that complemented her outfit. She shrugged her backpack back on and left the bathroom to head to her maths class when she was stopped. "Hey Cleo" A voice called from behind her, she turned and was greeted by the face of one of her best friends, Brittany."Hey Brit, how can I help you?" Cleo responded to her best friend as she looked over Brittany, who was in her cheerios uniform as usual."I just noticed you and saw you weren't in your cheerios uniform, how come?" Brittany asked sweetly. Brittany may not have been very smart but her and Cleo had instantly clicked when Cleo had transferred to McKinley High and Cleo had tried out for the Cheerios team last year and sometime afterwards Brittany had convinced her to try out for The New Directions. Cleo hated to admit it but she much preferred The New Directions to Cheerios but she had wanted to keep some reputation so she did both. Last year they had managed to go all the way to Nationals but that was ruined by Finn and Rachel's kiss onstage."I just wanted to wear something different for a bit Brit, I mean if we're doing that purple piano project this week I'd hate to see what people do to us and I don't want my uniform ruining today, only just got it dry cleaned." Cleo told her best friend softly. Brittany nodded in response and gave Cleo a quick hug."See you at Glee practice." Brittany called out before starting to head off in a different direction towards her own class.

The first half of the day had gone by fairly quickly for Cleo and before she knew it lunchtime glee practice was next on her schedule. She made her way down the corridors to the choir room, stopping along her way to grab her cheerios uniform from her locker, where she had placed it that morning along with her trainers. She quickly put the items of clothing into her backpack, careful not to scrunch up the perfectly ironed uniform. She then made her way into the choir room and took a seat alongside Brittany and Santana and looked to the front as Mr Shue continued to talk about the purple piano project he had started earlier that week. "I'm disappointed in you guys, you haven't been doing the project like I instructed." Mr Shue had said to them."Hate to rain on your parade Mr Shue, but everyone in this school hates Glee club, I mean Sue's already ripped the guts out of one of our pianos." Cleo said as she looked at the front, raising her eyebrows and staring at the piano that Sue had wrecked when Tina and Mike had been playing it in the corridor. Mr Shue sighed and looked over at Cleo."We just need to show them that Glee is cool and encourage at least one more person to join and then they'll bring friends with them, we just need to ignite a spark in one person Cleo, that's all." Mr Shue directed to the brunette girl before he dismissed them to get their lunch.Cleo huffed and stood from her chair and left the choir room and headed to the cafeteria.

When she reached the cafeteria, she went and sat at the glee table and pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail to keep her hair from her face while she ate her lunch. She pulled her lunchbox out from her backpack and set it down on the table, She had then noticed that a purple piano had been set up in the cafeteria, she internally groaned. Hearing footsteps approaching the table, Cleo looked up and saw Rachel had entered and stood at the head of their table. "Guys why are you not getting ready to perform, there's a purple piano right there." Rachel said to them as Finn looked at her confused."Wait there's really one in here?" Finn asked her. Cleo rolled her eyes and started to dig into her salad that she had brought."Wow, we really hadn't noticed it." Mercedes said in a sarcastic tone, which Cleo couldn't help but giggle at as she looked up at them."We don't want to give everyone more of a reason to hate us Rachel, we're not doing it" Cleo said as she swallowed her food."We have to, it's the project!" Rachel argued as she stamped a foot on the ground. Finn stood up and looked over them all at the table and then smiled at Rachel."You guys, she's right we have to do this, what's the worst that can happen?" Finn said to them all. The rest of the club all looked at each other and reluctantly stood up and started to perform the number that they had been planning. Turns out the worst that could happen was a food fight in the cafeteria which left them and the piano completely covered in food.

After the fiasco of the cafeteria performance, they all ended up back in the choir room trying to clean the food off of themselves. 'Lucky I didn't wear my Cheerios uniform.' Cleo thought to herself as she pulled pieces of spaghetti from her hair and off of her blouse and put them into the bin. "Well that was one of the most embarrassing things we've ever done, we didn't even inspire one person to join and we got absolutely covered in food." Tina said to Mr Shue as he scrapped food from the piano into another bin."Guys it's still early, we'll have more chances to make an impression on people." Mr Shue tried to encourage the group. They all stopped as they heard someone enter the choir room and looked up to see a girl stood in the doorway."Hi, I'm Sugar Motta, I saw your performance in the cafeteria, you all sucked and I'm better than you." She said, introducing herself."Uhm excuse me?" Mr Shue asked her politely."Sorry, I'm self diagnosed with Aspergers." Sugar said afterwards. "I'd like to audition for your club." She then added."Okay Sugar the floors all yours, see guys you did inspire someone." Mr Shue said as he took a seat with the rest of The New Directions members. Sugar began to perform Big Spender and all Cleo could think was 'Is this girl deaf or something, how does she think she's better than any of us?' After Sugar had performed her song, Mr Shue said he would let her know about his decision in a few days and she left them to discuss what just happened."She cannot join, she's gonna cost us nationals if we let her in." Rachel said as soon as Sugar was out of ear shoot. The rest of The New Directions nodded in agreement with Rachel."Guys, Glee club has always had the policy that everyone who auditions gets in, we can't change that now. We can work with Sugar and help her get better." Mr Shue tried to argue."There's no helping her Mr Shue, we can't let her in and drag us down after we've all worked so hard, it wouldn't be fair on the students who's last year it is." Cleo interjected as she looked around at her friends. "Mr Shue, do you want us to win because if so we need to put our best foot forward and taking time out of practice to train her isn't going to be putting our best foot forward." She added as Mr Shue sighed and finally agreed with his students.

Purple piano week was finally coming to end and a lot had happened between the cafeteria fiasco. Kurt's boyfriend Blaine had transferred to McKinley and sang 'It's Not Unusual' with the Cheerios minus Cleo and Brittany and they had poured lighter fluid all over the remaining purple piano which had then been set on fire by Quinn who had chucked her cigarette onto it. This then lead to Santana being banned from Glee until she could prove her loyalty to the club. Mr Shue had told Sugar she couldn't join Glee and Rachel had announced that she thought the Glee club should do West Side Story as the school musical as well as Kurt announcing his intention to campaign for senior class president. And to finish off the purple piano week, the club had talked about although the pianos and themselves had been damaged and had food thrown at them that they could still make music and they performed a big group number of Hairspray's You Can't Stop The Beat.

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