Chapter 1 ~ Times Have Changed.

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(Unknown POV.)

I've been helpless for so long without her.

Hours don't matter, days are a blur, months fly by and years leave me screaming.

But it will all be worth it, patience is virtue.

We have the perfect bait for his perfect prize.

May 22nd 2018.

"Sir, I'm not going to ask again."
I call through my speaker as I lean on the patrol car passenger door.

The weather is hot for this time of year, my crisp shirts tightens uncomfortably around my collar but I do my best to ignore it as I watch the man across from me with masked frustration.

"I didn't do anything wrong pig!"
The stout man shouts out and I raise an eyebrow behind my tinted glasses and stand straighter.

The insult barely chips my consciousness but now I know that I need to wrap this up quicker.

"Sir, stealing animals is a crime, do not play the oblivious card with me."
I call out, this time my voice is starting to show signs of wear and I hear my partner chuckle inside the car at this deluded man.

"I did NOT steal them! I paid for these chickens." We were collecting a crowd and my partner begins silently flashing the lights warning the crowd to stay back on this already tight street path.

"Throwing money at the owner before running does not count as a legal transaction. It was a petting zoo, you've disappointed a lot of kids today Sir."
I finally scold and the crowd begins to giggle.

The man attempts to throw his arms up in the air in outrage but with either arm holding a chicken all he does is upset them and they start squeaking.

I lean into the window and hang up my speaker, my partner and I keeping an eye on the man before I lean out, brush imaginary dirt off my pants and begin casually walking towards the man.

He barely reaches my chin even in my flat shoes, his wig is so fake that I don't know why he bothers glueing down the false brown strands with glistening gel and his small eyes take in my form slowly as I saunter my way over.

"Okay, okay! Look, you're a pretty thing and I've obviously got money."
He begins and I'm glad he can't see my eyes roll.

"You threw five dollars at the owner, hardly a splurge." I respond and pause a few steps in front of him.

My stance is cool, calm and confident and it's easy to ignore his roaming eyes until they land on the gun strapped to my hip.
He whistles impressively and I hear my partner starting to clamber out of the vehicle and my eyes roll again, he's always so eager to defend my dignity.

"Just give me the chickens." I demand as I watch the man start to grow skittish as my partner appears at my shoulder.

"Ignoring an officers instructions is only getting you stuck deeper."
My partners gravelly voice explains and I ignore the itch of frustration at the back of my neck.

I could have handled this alone, we agreed to let me handle this.

"Alright, alright.. I made a mistake." The man finally concedes and this time I have to physically swallow my annoyance as the guy prepares to readily hand over the distressed poultry.

"It seems cruel to keep the farm animals apart anyway. Pigs and chickens get along great!" He quips before flinging the flapping animals straight at me.

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