Metropolis Tech

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It was a bit of a drive out to Metropolis- about an hour. The school was on the outskirts of Metropolis- closer to Gotham by about 8 miles. Damian was in the backseat, looking around the contents of his backpack.

"Do I really need 6 highlighters?" He asked, looking up.

Alfred looked up to the rear-view mirror to see Damian. "Master Dick packed your bag. I would hazard a guess that he thinks 6 is appropriate."

Damian bit his lip and looked out of the window. "We could take a helicopter. It would be faster."

"Or you could be patient." Alfred sighed.

Damian adjusted the seat belt that crossed his torso. "Pennyworth?"


"What happens if someone wants to be my friend?"

"Be yourself. You are likable enough when you're not being defense."

Damian sighed. "I guess."

They pulled up to the driveway of the school, which was by a fountain, outside a large marble building with tall steps. Jon and Clark were waiting on the steps. Alfred passed Damian his lunchbox and wished him well.

"Look at the fountain!" Jon pointed, smiling. "Does every rich place have one?"

"Fountains remain a focal point for large masses of property."


"Yes. Every rich place has a fountain."


Clark put a hand on Damian's shoulder. "Let's get you both signed in."

The boys followed Clark up the steps and into the building. A lady sat behind a tall desk. She handed folders to each of the boys that had a map and their class schedule.

"Damian, you will be in the Secondary School building- this one. Jon, you're going to go down to the large building with the dome. That's the Elementary School building."

After a few minutes, Damian said goodbye to his friend and looked nervously at his class schedule.

American History 315B. Easy enough to find. He walked up the stairs and found the room. He made it just before the bell. The teacher stopped him.

"Damian Wayne?" He asked.

Damian nodded. "Yes."

"Why don't you introduce yourself when the class settles down?"

Damian waited a moment and then cleared his throat. Everyone looked at him. "I am Damian Wayne of Gotham. I hope we get along well. Thank you."

Damian felt his face burning as he went to take a set by the window. The teacher started talking and all of his classmates fetched out notebooks and binders to take notes. Damian found a notebook that Dick had packed but he couldn't find ink for his pen.

"Shit." He muttered. He unscrewed the center of the fountain pen and found the ink stick to be completely empty. 6 highlighters and not a single pen.


Damian turned to the girl next to him. 

"Here. It's not as fancy but it's scented."

His classmate was a girl about his age with hair pulled into little puffs on each side of her head. She had perfectly smooth dark skin and brown eyes. "I'm Tiana."

"I'm Damian."

"I know." She giggled, turning back to the teacher.

Damian was embarrassed. Of course she knew his name. It hadn't even been 5 minutes since he introduced himself.

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