Tell Them Why We're Fighting

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"I don't wanna be your boyfriend if we're just gonna fight all the time."

Jade scoffed. "Fine. I'm gonna walk out that door, Beck. I'm gonna go home and you can stay here with your precious friends." She stepped closer. "But first, tell them why we keep fighting. I want you to tell them."

Beck sighed. "Jade, that's none of their business. Plus, it the reason doesn't matter, all that matters is I'm tired of fighting all the time. Nothing I do or say is right and you're always just too jealous. I can't do this anymore."

Jade swallowed hard so she wouldn't start crying in front of him and their, mostly his, friends. "It does matter. You wanna blame me. Say I'm too jealous or I just wanna argue, but this time all of our fighting is on you. Tell them why. I want to hear you say it."

Beck blew out a breath and ran his hand through his hair. "Jade-"

"No. Don't." She backed up when he subconsciously reached for her. "Just tell them. Just say it Beck! Damnit!"

Beck wouldn't turn around to face his friends, he just kept looking at Jade. "We had sex and now Jade hates me."

"Why, tell them why!"

"Because I want to have sex again and she doesn't!" Beck snapped. "There I said it, Jade! I told them!" He sighed. "Why can't we just have sex?! What is the big deal?!" He yelled at her.

Cat gasped and covered her ears. "I'm under my bed. I'm under my bed."

Jade hated that her eyes were starting to water and she knew she had to get out of there before she cried in front of everyone. "I can't believe sex is more important to you than me."

Beck scoffed. "I want to have sex with you, not someone else! Doesn't that tell you how important you are?!"

"No. If I mattered to you, at all, you would respect that I don't want to do it again. We should have never done it in the first place." Jade sighed.

Beck rolled his eyes. "It wasn't bad. We both enjoyed it. You're just being a- a-" Jade glared at him. Beck sighed.

"A what?! Say it!" She yelled at him.

"You're being a prude!"

"And you're being a jerk!"

Jade stepped back and walked over to the door. "I hate you, Beck. You want to break up, fine, we're done."

Beck scoffed. "Whatever, Jade."

"Here! You don't care, but you wanted to know why I don't want to have sex with you anymore, so here!" She threw something and it landed on the ground in front of him then she left, slamming the door behind her.

Beck walked over and picked it up. His jaw dropped. "No-" He shook his head and looked at the door. "Jade-"

"Is- Is that what it looks like?" Tori asked walking closer to Beck.

Beck dropped it and rushed to open the door and run out. "Jade?!"

Tori leaned down, but she stopped herself from picking it up. "Oh my god." She looked up at the door then looked back at her friends. "It's- It's-"

"What, Tor?" Andre asked, a worry creeping into his chest. "What is it?"

Tori gulped. "It's positive."

Cat finally uncovered her ears. "Jade." She sighed sadly and shook her head.


They heard Beck yell out. They could hear fear, panic, then they heard it.

The sickening sound of brakes squealing and a loud crash.

Cat gasped and ran out the door, past Tori. Tori shook off her shock and ran out the door after Cat. Andre and Robbie followed close behind.

Trina rolled her eyes and followed not knowing exactly what to expect. She just wanted Jade and Beck to be done for good so she could have Beck all to herself and when she saw Jade's car on fire in front of a nearby tree she figured she would finally have a shot.

..Until Beck ran to the flaming car.

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