She Deserves Better

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Beck heard a knock on his RV door. He knew it couldn't be Jade, but he got up to answer it anyway even though he just wanted to be alone. He opened the door and saw Tori outside. He sighed and gestured for her to come in which he quickly regretted because the first thing she did was pick up the bottle by his bed. "Tori, I was just-"

"Drinking." Tori stated. "I'm not an idiot, Beck. I know a beer bottle when I see one." She huffed. "Drowning your sorrows?" She snapped at him.

Beck ran a hand through his hair. "Why are you here, Tori?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"It's my RV." He scoffed.

Tori huffed again. "I mean what are you doing here instead of with Jade."

"She doesn't want to see me."

Tori crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, I don't blame her. You're not putting in much effort to get her to forgive you or show her you care!"

"She won't take me back!"

"I'm not talking about winning her back! Be her friend! Check on her! Show her that she matters to you!"

"Nothing matters anymore!"

"Oh, you're pathetic." Tori scoffed. "I don't know who this Beck is, this isn't you. You're a good guy and I know you care about Jade! You saved her from a burning car!" Tori yelled at him.

Beck bit his lip. "But I didn't save our-" He sighed and sat down putting his head in his hands. "Go away, Tori."

Tori sighed. "No. I know you're upset about loosing your baby! So is she! You two could be there for each other, but you aren't putting in any effort to talk to her or see how she's doing!"

Beck gulped.

"I can't believe Cat was right! You don't deserve Jade! She deserves better! Someone who won't make her jealous when he feels insecure! Someone who won't make her feel like an immature brat when she feels insecure! Someone who wouldn't have let her walk out the goddamn door! You screwed up Beck! But instead of trying to make up for it, you're here." She threw the bottle against his door making it smash. "Drinking away your problems because nothing matters anymore!"

Beck flinched. "Tori, I-"

"Don't." Tori sighed. "I don't want to hear it. Anything you're about to say should be said to Jade. Talk to her. Not me." She licked her lips. "I didn't come here to yell at you. I came here because you weren't answering your phone and Jade is sick." She gulped.

"What do you mean she's sick? Like a cold or back in the hospital?" He stood.

Tori frowned. "She's in her room, for now. If she gets worse Cat is gonna make her go back to the hospital."

"What's wrong with her?"

"You act like you care." Tori scoffed.

Beck grabbed Tori's arm so she couldn't storm out. "I do care."

Tori took a deep breath. "We don't know. She was burning up when I left and she can't keep anything down."

Beck frowned. "I'll come with you."

Tori yanked her arm away. "No! You could have come, but you've been drinking! Just- Just sleep it off and go see her tomorrow." She sighed.

"What if-" His voice cracked. "What if tomorrow is too late?" He sniffed.

Tori shook her head. "You should have thought of that earlier."

She left and Beck collapsed on his bed. He stared up at the ceiling.

"Tomorrow could be too late." He whispered to himself, then wiped his tears and got up off his bed. He threw on his flannel shirt and rushed out the door, out to his black car. He drove off in a hurry to get to Jade, speeding down the road to her house.

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