Kiss and Don't Tell

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Tori practically fell rushing into Cat's room. She saw Cat awake talking to Robbie. Cat looked over at her.

"What's wrong? Jade?" Cat frowned.

"No, I mean yeah, she might kill me, but no she's, well not okay, but she's still alive." Tori rambled out of breath. "Beck just kissed me! Like on the lips!"

Robbie's jaw dropped. "Oooh, Jade is gonna kill you." He gaped at her.

"I know!" Tori yelled out, then she groaned and collapsed in the chair next to Robbie by Cat's hospital bed.

"She won't kill you." Cat stated. "She doesn't want to admit it, but you're one of her best friends. She trusts you around Beck, she knows you don't like him like that. We all know you like Andre anyway." Cat explained.

Tori scoffed. "Now wait a minute!"

Cat giggled and Robbie chuckled.

"Andre is my best friend! I do not like him like that!" Tori yelled out.

Cat shrugged. "Robbie is my best friend, besides Jade, and I like him like that." She stated making him grin. "Jade and Beck used to be best friends until he asked out Jessica and she didn't like Jade and wanted Beck to stop being friends with Jade so Jade pushed her into a fountain and Beck kissed her." Cat explained. "Jade, not Jessica. Jessica stormed off all angry."

Tori blinked. "I never heard the story of how Jade and Beck got together. It's oddly sweet in a rude kinda way."

Cat scoffed. "Well Jade's not the rude one in that story. I know she pushed Jessica into a fountain at the park, but Beck only asked out Jessica to make Jade jealous because when he first told Jade he had feelings for her Jade wouldn't admit she had feelings for him too so he used Jessica, because her and Jade hated each other, to make Jade jealous so when Jessica said he couldn't be friends with Jade anymore he told Jade making Jade jealous and angry so she pushed Jessica away from Beck and Jessica fell in the fountain. Jade didn't even really notice because she was too busy yelling at Beck for saying he loves her one minute and then asking out another girl the next, but he just kissed her and she stopped yelling. It wasn't until Jessica stormed off soaking wet that we realized she fell backwards into the water fountain."

Tori nodded. "Wow. So Beck always made Jade jealous." She realized.

Cat nodded. "Yeah, it became a thing with them and I don't think they ever figured out how to stop it. Jade doesn't talk about her feelings and Beck makes her jealous because as long as she is jealous he knows she still wants him. It's kinda wrong when you think about it." Cat pouted and sighed.

Robbie nodded. "Yeah, and now that Beck thinks Jade hates him and he realizes that he still wants to be with her he'll find some way to make her jealous." Robbie bit his lip. "Probably with you. So he kissed you knowing you would feel the need to do the right thing and tell Jade. So you can't tell Jade. This time Beck has to stop playing this game." He shrugged.

Tori sighed. "But if Jade finds out and I don't tell her." Tori gulped. "Will she hate me? I've worked too hard to get Jade to stop hating me. I feel like I need to tell her about that kiss."

"No. You can't." Cat sighed. "If you do Jade will get jealous and go right back to Beck and as much as I love Beck and Jade, this time Beck was a huge jerk and he needs to get Jade back the hard way. He has to prove he cares about her this time not the other way around." Cat stated. "Trust me, don't tell Jade. If she finds out and gets mad at you I'll tell her that I told you not to tell her." Cat promised. "It'll be okay."

Tori nodded in agreement. "Okay. I won't tell Jade, but I don't feel good about this, but I won't tell her."

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