You Don't See It

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Jade was sleeping so Cat and Tori quietly talked in her room. Neither of them had left her side much since it happened. They both thought she'd be out of the hospital by now, but any time her doctor tried to discharge her Jade would get worse. She wouldn't be able to breathe or she would faint or she would fall trying to get out of her bed claiming that she felt too weak.

Cat and Tori knew she was acting and her doctor figured out she was faking, but he let her stay longer every time because it was clearly psychological.

However, today was the day she was going to be discharged. The doctor gave Cat and Tori the name of a good therapist when they asked if there was anything they could do to help her leave the hospital sooner.

"If she faints, we carry her out."

Cat nodded. "Right and if she can't breathe, the doctor will give her an oxygen mask until we leave then we'll return it tomorrow." She whispered.

"Exactly. And if she tried to fall again we'll catch her and drag her out."

"She'll fight us."

"I know, but she's left us with no choice. She has to leave here."

"Yes, she does, as soon as she wake up we are getting her out of here."


"And if all else fails we call Beck?"

Cat glared at Tori. "Not agreed."


"Tori, that was not part of the argeement. I did not agree to that!"

"Cat, keep your voice down."

Cat crossed her arms over her chest.

Jade turned over in the bed. "What's going on?" She sighed. "You two don't have to always be here ya know."

"We know, but we're not busy." Tori shrugged. "We have pretty boring lives." She chuckled. "School, home, sleep, go back to school. We have all the time in the world to come here."

"Jadey, we wouldn't have to come here everyday if you weren't here."

Jade blinked and shrugged. "Or you could just not come here anyway."

Cat pouted. "What are you saying? I go wherever my best friend is, always."

"You don't have to, I mean- We don't have to be friends anymore."

Cat's pout turned to a scowl. "Don't."

"It's okay, Kitty. Live your happy life without me dragging you down."

"I mean it Jade. Don't. Not now."

Tori was slightly confused. She looked from one girl to the other in concern.

"You're better off without me."

Cat shook her head. "Damnit Jade, no! You are not shutting me out now! You are not shutting down now! You can't push me away, not now, not ever! Get that through your depressed head!"

Tori licked her lips and took out her pearphone as Cat stared down Jade.

"You are coming home. Today! With me, your best friend. I'm tired of this."

"I know. You're tired of me."

"No, I'm tired of your shit."

Can't get Jade to leave. Now she is trying to push Cat away and Cat's upset. I don't know what to do. Help.

"All I do is cause pain."

"I'm gonna cause pain if you don't get up and walk out of here, now!"

"I can't get up. I'm too weak."

Cat stood and crossed her arms over her chest. "Bullshit. Get up, now."

"I can't." Jade rolled over to the other side so she couldn't see Cat anymore.

"You are the strongest person I know. You are not weak. Now get up!"

"I'm not strong anymore."

"Jade, get up. I'm not asking again."

Tori had never seen Cat be so stern, but she was worried they might fight. She looked down at her phone and sighed in relief. "Oh thank god."

Be right up

Only Tori knew that Beck was in the parking lot waiting in case they needed him. In case Jade needed him.

"Just leave me here to die."

Cat grabbed the blanket and tried to yank it off, but Jade pulled it up over head head and held it tight.

"Uh, Cat. This was not part of the plan." Tori tried to intervene.

"I don't care anymore! She's getting on my nerves!" Cat shouted at Tori.

"Well she's depressed!" Tori snapped. "How would you feel if you lost the love of your life and your baby in the same night?!" Tori yelled at her.

Cat stopped yanking the blanket and looked at Tori. "What? She's not- Jade didn't even- She's not upset about losing the baby. She didn't want it." Cat frowned and looked at the lump of balnket hiding her best friend. She swallowed hard. "I didn't know. She wouldn't talk to me. I thought- I thought she didn't care about it."

Tori sighed. "She cares. A lot more than she lets on. You should know."

Cat pouted. "I should know. I'm- I'm a bad friend." She started to cry and Tori pat her on the arm. "I thought she wouldn't want it.. Why did I believe that? I knew it was bullshit."

"Because you wanted to believe it. Believe everything would be okay, and that's okay, but it's not okay no matter how hard we want to believe it. It's not okay and it won't be for awhile. A long while." Tori said.

Cat's bottom lip shook. "I'm sorry, Jade. I- I should have realized."

Jade slowly moved the covers down away from her head and sighed. "No. I should have told you. I should have known you could handle it. I just-" she froze and gulped. "Beck? What are-"

He walked into the room without saying a word and collected her in his arms. "It's time to leave Jade." He said as he carried her out the door.

Tori started nervously fixing the blanket back onto the bed. "Uh, maybe you should get the clothes we brought for her to wear." She said not looking at the glare on her friend's face.

"I said no to Beck coming here."

Tori gulped. "He wanted to help."

"I said no."

"Well, I said yes." Tori took a deep breath and faced Cat. "I know you are her best friend and I am barely her friend, but you're too close to see it. You're blinded by rage and hatred, something I never even thought you could feel. You don't see how much she needs him right now. How much they need each other. But I do."

Cat huffed and walked out.

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