But I Love Her

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Beck had gotten out of the hospital the next day. Jade didn't want to see him so Tori and Andre made him leave even though he didn't want to leave the girl he loves. They explained that she needs time and he has to respect that so he left. But he begged Tori to stay and keep him updated.

He was staring at his phone in the Asphalt Cafe waiting for Tori to text him about Jade. He didn't even want to go to school, but he knew if he stayed home he would try to go see Jade and he had to respect that she didnt want to see him or talk to him.

Three girls sat down beside him and he rolled his eyes. They crowded him and rubbed his arms or in his hair. Anything they could get their hands on. He politely told them to leave, but they didn't listen to him. He sighed.

"Beck, can I sign your cast?"

"No! I want to sign it!"

He sighed again. "It's not really a cast. It's just a bandage. I got burned when I pulled Jade out of her car."

"You are so brave." A blonde girl gushed leaning her head on him.

"No, I'm not, but it was Jade."

"Can I sign your cast? Please?"

Beck sighed, he was about to give in, but he saw a girl he didn't expect to see walk up to him. "What- What are you doing here? You should be at the hospital." He questioned.

"What are you doing?"

Beck looked around at the girls surrounding him. "Nothing. They asked to sign my cast, but I told them it's not really a cast. It's a bandage."

"Can I sign your bandage?" The tall brunette beside him asked sweetly.

"Gimmie." Beck saw her holding out her hand and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Gimmie your arm."

Beck held his bandaged arm out to her. She took it and pulled a magic marker out of her back pocket. She gently wrote her name very big on his bandage and scribbled over every other spot where someone could try to sign it. She popped her gum in her mouth and smirked. "Sorry, no room."

Beck smiled and chuckled. "Thanks."

"I didn't do that for you. I did that for Jade. Last thing she needs to see is your groupies' names on your arm." She turned to walk away from them.

Beck sighed. "Cat." She turned around. "I never meant to hurt Jade."

Cat nodded. "I know, but you did, and you can't fix it by making her jealous."

"I don't-"

"Kissing Tori?! Really Beck?! Tori tries so hard to be Jade's friend and Jade needs friends! Ya know, someone to be there when you break her heart for the hundredth time! Stop trying to make her jealous and just deal with the fact the you are too young to love each other as much as you do! You hurt her and she fights with you! Your relationship is toxic and it nearly killed her!" The groupies finally walked away. Beck blinked. "I'm sorry Beck, but it's over. This time for good. You can't act like she doesn't matter and then turn around and want her back." Cat sighed and frowned.

Beck just stared at her until she saw his eyes mist over. "But I love her. I'm sorry I hurt her, Cat. You have to believe me, she is the most important person in the world to me. No one is as important as her." He choked out.

Cat crossed her arms over her chest and shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you, Beck. Jade is done with you."

Beck let the tears fall. Cat had never seen him cry before. He took a deep breath. "I- I don't know how to make things right again, but I can't lose her. I should have opened the door."

"Yeah, you should've." Cat gulped. "It's too late, Beck. I'm sorry, but Jade wants nothing to do with you."

Beck took a deep breath. "Okay."

Cat frowned. "Sorry. I have to get back to the hospital. I just came to get our assignments." She walked away.

Beck slowly lowered himself back down to the table and sighed. He put his head in his hands and cried. He had lost the love of his life. She didn't die, but he still lost her and he didn't know how to get her to talk to him or want to see him again. Jade was the most important person to him, but she didn't know that. Beck raised his head. That's all he had to do to get her to forgive him, to take him back.

"I have to show her how much she matters to me. How important she is to me. Nothing is more important."

Beck stood up and walked to his car then he left school, following two cars behind Cat's bright red bug to the hospital where he needed to be.

He parked away from Cat so she wouldn't see him and followed from a distance as she walked inside. He was going to follow her straight to Jade's room, but he decided to go into the gift shop. He didn't know what he could get her that would make her like him again or at least make her smile, but he kept looking around.

"Can I help you, sweetie?" An older lady spoke from behind the counter.

Beck turned, his eyes red from crying. "I need something to say I'm sorry and I love you and You matter to me more than anything and I hope you can forgive me. Does anything say all of that? Is there anything I can give her to apologize for how I acted? For how I treated her when we were together? I just need her to know that nothing else matters. Just her." He sniffed.

"Come on, hon. I have something for you." The lady walked over to a shelf and smiled. "Any one of these will say all of that, trust me. You don't need to buy them all, just pick one, they all say the same thing when you look into their little eyes. They all say "Not As Much As You". That's what you want to say. Yes, other things are important to you and yes, sometimes you may put other things first because you are young, but as much as you like those other things you'll never love them as much as her." The nice lady stated.

Beck smiled. "Exactly." He picked up the black one because he knew Jade would like it the best. Thanked the lady for her help, paid, and left.

She smiled. "Ah, young love. They are never prepared for it, but it can happen at any time."

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