Fading Away

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Beck rushed over to the car ignoring the flames that lashed out at him like a lit up whip. "Jade?!" Thankfully her window was rolled down, but when he went to pull her out he realized she was buckled. He shook his head.

"She finally wears her seatbelt and now-" He muttered to himself, then he re-focused on finding a way to get her out of the car before it blew up.

"Beck!" He heard his friends yell, but nothing mattered more than Jade.

He looked in the window and it was like he saw his life flash before his eyes, but it wasn't his life, it looked more like his future, but everything was fading away before his eyes.

Jade smiling at him.. Gone.

Kissing her.. Gone.

Holding her at night.. Gone.

Their baby.. Gone.

Their wedding day.. Gone.

Their whole life together.. Gone.

Gone in the blink of an eye.

"I called 9-1-1!" Tori yelled pulling him out of his thoughts. "Beck!.. Beck!"

"Dude, wait for the Fire Department!" Andre shouted out to him from afar.

Beck turned to look at Andre, then he looked back at the fire in front of him. "It's Jade." He reached through the window again, but quickly pulled back when flames licked his arm. "Ahh." He hissed in pain. "Jade."

"He can't. If the fire hits gas the car is going to explode and Jade will-" He heard Robbie explain in a loud panicking voice. "Cat! Wait! No!"

Before Beck could figure out what Robbie was yelling about a flash of red hair was beside him. "Cat?!"

"Beck! Get her out!" Cat panicked.

Beck coughed against his sleeve. The smoke becoming too much for him. "I-" *cough* "-can't. The seatbelt. She's actually wearing one. I-" *cough*

Cat reached into her pocket and pulled out her switchblade.

"Cat?!" Beck blinked trying to see through the smoke and coughed.

Cat sliced off the seatbelt. "Pull! Now!"

Beck and Cat grabbed Jade and yanked her through the window. They half carried, half dragged her away from her burning car. However, the car exploded behind them and the force knocked them forward. Beck landed on top of Jade shielding her as best he could from the blast. He saw Cat beside them on the road. She looked like the explosion knocked her out. He slowly reached for her hand to feel for a pulse, but he passed out.

Tori, Robbie, and Andre ran forward just enough to grab their friends and drag them further away from the car.

Robbie looked down at Cat and saw her small hand tightly clenched around the switchblade Jade gave her to protect her on the dark streets of L.A. when Jade couldn't be there. He gently opened her hand and took the knife, then he closed it and put it in his back pocket. "She has a pulse!"

"So does Beck! I think he just got too much smoke!" Andre yelled out.

"Jade's is faint, but it's there!" Tori shouted. She turned and saw flashing lights, but she didn't hear sirens. "Why aren't they using their sirens?!"

"What?! I can't hear you over the loud sirens!" Robbie shouted out.

Andre stood up and started waving.

There was a fire truck, cop cars, and an ambulance driving up.

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