I Have To Tell You

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Tori came back with a small bag and saw Jade crying. She debated giving her the scissors or going over to try to comfort her and decided on the latter.

After putting the bag on the small table she sat down on the bed and put her arms around Jade, hoping the girl wouldn't take this moment to squeeze until her back hurt, again, but to her surprise Jade curled into her and cried against her shoulder. "Jade?"

"I can't cut it. I wanted to, but look at it." Jade held it up to Tori and Tori saw a plush bear with fake eyes.

"It's very cute, but uh, it's just a bear."

"Just a bear?" Jade snapped.

Tori shrugged. "Yes.. Isn't it?"

Jade sighed. "It's- It's perfect. It's my favorite color. It's my favorite animal. It's so soft. And look into it's eyes." She held it closer to Tori's face, practically forcing Tori nose to nose with it.

"They're.. brown? Like most bears."

"Exactly. Beck knows I hate stuffed animals that have an eye color that isn't true to the animal in the wild. That's why I hate Cat's stupid purple giraffe." She sniffed. "He knows me so well. He knew I would love it."

Tori sighed. "Jade, I have to tell you something and I hope it doesn't change that you called me a good friend before I left, keep that in mind I am a good friend. That's why I have to tell you. Cat doesn't want me to because she says Beck is just trying to make you jealous so you'll go back to him like you always do, but I have-"

"Spit it out, Vega." Jade snapped.

Tori sighed hearing her last name said with more venom than usual.

"Beck kissed me. When he woke up in the hospital and I told him you lost the- the baby." Tori gulped. "Don't hurt me, please. I didn't know he was going to and I did not kiss back. I pulled away really quickly and told him we can't." She sighed. "I'm so sorry."

Jade shook her head. "I'm not mad at you." Tori looked up in surprise. "It's just what Beck does. I'm never enough for him." She frowned. "I knew he didn't really love me. Thanks, Tori."

Tori placed her hand on Jade's hand. "No, he does. Jade he does that just to make you jealous. So he knows you love him, even if you don't say it." She licked her lips. "Why don't you say it?"

Jade sighed. "Because I-" She gulped. "I told- I told my father I loved him and he left." She let more tears fall. "I just- I never wanted Beck to leave. Ever since we became friends I always, always, wanted him around. I wanted him to stay so when he first said he loved me I didn't say it back. I thought if I did he would walk away. Then he took Jessica to the dance after he said he wanted to go with me even if it was just as friends and I hated her." Jade scoffed. "She bullied Cat and I hated her for hurting my best friend and Beck knew that, but he asked her out anyway. So after about a week of not talking and not knowing what to say I finally went to yell at him and he kissed me. Just grabbed me and kissed me. I thought I would never have to say those words if I just kissed him. So he says the words and I kiss him, but then we fight and I can't- I can't kiss those words away, ya know?"

Tori nodded. "But you could say the words, if you really love him, you can say it Jade. He won't leave you."

Jade scoffed. "Yeah, because he's here now and we are still dating. I said it, Tori. I finally said it to him and all that happened was making out turned into sex then like a week later I'm sick and I'm scared and p-pregnant." She started crying again. "And now I'm not." Jade let out a sharp breath. "I'm not and I don't know how to feel, but I know I cry a lot now. I know the doc said it's hormones and it will go away, but I don't think it is, I think I'm just so- so- heartbroken." Jade choked out.

Tori didn't know what to say, but she knew what to do. She reached over Jade to the small table. "Cut whatever you want. I got you three pairs."

Jade looked up with a small smile on her face. "Thanks. Can I cut your cell phone charger?" She smirked.

Tori sighed and took the charger out of her pocket. "Go for it."

Jade slowly took it from her. "I didn't think you would say yes.. Don't pity me, Vega." She glared at her.

Tori just smirked. "I'm not. I couldn't find mine so I borrowed Trina's."

Jade chuckled. "Well in that case." She started cutting the wire up quickly.

Tori chuckled too.

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