Love Comes With Hurt

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"Cat! Wait up!"

Cat spun to face Robbie, her pouty lip quivering. "How could you kiss Jade?! After everything she and Beck have been through! And what about us?!"

Robbie blinked in confusion. "What us? There's an us? ..Really?"

Cat scoffed. "Of course there's an us! It's just kinda, ya know, it's us."

"What us?" Robbie gulped. "What are we, Cat? What is the us that we are?"

"We're an us, ya know, Robbie and Cat, Cat and Robbie. We're just us."

"But what kind of an us? Are we a just friends us or a dating us or a-" He gulped again. "In love.. us?"

Cat sighed. "We're just us. Why do we have to label it? Why can't we just be us? You and me. Me and you. Us!"

"Okay, are we a 'I can't kiss other girls us' or a 'kiss whoever we want' us?"

"No! You cannot kiss other girls! Especially not Jade! She's my best friend! You can't kiss my best friend!"

Robbie huffed. "Well you got pretty snuggly with Andre on Sinjin's stupid couple show and he's one of my best friends!" He snapped back at her.

Cat frowned. "I was being friendly."

Robbie frowned too. "Flirting, is the more truthful definition."

"You were flirting with Tori!"

Robbie scoffed. "I was being friendly." He rolled his eyes. "Plus, I don't like Tori like that or Jade like that! I only like you like that, but you don't like me like that!" He yelled at her.

Cat scoffed too. "I do too like you like that! I just don't want to ruin our friendship because you're so sweet!"

"Well, what makes you think us dating could ruin our friendship! I love you too much to let that happen!"

"Because when people fall in love they get hurt! And when they get hurt they don't want anything to do with each other and I don't ever want to have nothing to do with you! I want you in my life!" Cat cried. "I don't wanna end up like Beck and Jade. I love you, Robbie." She shook her head. "We have to stay friends so we don't hurt each other. It's the only way."

Robbie reached for her hand and gently held it in his. "Cat, we're already hurting each other. Not the same way as Beck and Jade, but not being your boyfriend hurts. Just being friends and nothing more, it hurts."

"I didn't want to hurt you."

"I know, but we should give us, a relationship is, a chance. If we don't then we might end up hurting each other. I didn't mean to hurt you by kissing Jade. I'm sorry, Caterina."

"Okay, I guess, maybe you can kinda be my boyfriend." She smiled a little.

Robbie grinned. "I'll take what I can get. I won't hurt you, Cat. I love you."

Cat frowned. "Love comes with hurt, lots and lots of hurt. Jade told me."

Robbie nodded. "I know that Jade is hurting right now, more than she ever did before, but we can't compare us to them. We're not Beck and Jade."

"We're Cat and Robbie."

Robbie smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Yes. We are Cat and Robbie."

"I don't wanna have sex though."

Robbie chuckled. "Not until we're married and ready to start a family."

Cat pulled back enough to look into his eyes. "You think we'll get married and start a family together?"

Robbie grinned. "I know we will. In the future. You'll be Mrs. Sharpiro."

Cat giggled. "I like that. Mrs. Sharpie!"

"Sure, whatever you say, dear."

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