Chapter 8: Elder Dragons

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A new class has been added to the Beacon curriculum, after the Blighted Nargacuga incident. Jaune enters the class, quickly taking his place in front of the class. He sighs before clearing his throat and speaking.

"Well, this is the first time I've taught something so, today I'll talk to you about the different monsters that will pop up. I'm not sure why, but they've been making a comeback. And I'm gonna say this now, none of you currently ready to face them. You're too dependent on your Dust, and your Semblances and your Aura. Monsters aren't affected by any kind of Dust. For whatever reason, they pass through Aura, if this wound hasn't proven my point already."

Jaune points to his wound on his arm. He notices Pyrrha raising her hand. He sighs, and nods in her direction.

"Yes, Pyrrha?"

"I would like to know if there are stronger creatures other than that thing in the forest."

"Nargacuga? Yeah there are much, MUCH, stronger creatures than that. But if you want to learn about the strongest of the strong. The Elder Dragons."

"Elder Dragons?"

"Incredibly powerful monsters. They are living disasters, their very appearance can alter the environment. Case in point, Zorah Magdaros."

A picture appear on the screen behind Jaune, and the class gasps at the size of the beast.

A picture appear on the screen behind Jaune, and the class gasps at the size of the beast

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"This is known as the Dragon with a mountain of fire upon its back. As you can see, he harnesses lava through special area on his shell, called Magmacores. These produce lava that Zorah uses to defend itself from attacks."

Another picture pops up.

"Zorah uses these arm like appendages to hold up its shell

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"Zorah uses these arm like appendages to hold up its shell. These might have been wings at one point, but now they are utilized as supporters of his shell."

Now Weiss raises her hand

"Yes, Weiss?"

"Is it possible to capture these beasts? Surely they'd be safer contained."

Jaune starts to laugh, before giving Weiss an incredibly fierce glare that made most of the class shiver.

"You'd be stupid and have a death wish to try and capture them. Something about them makes them unable to be caught. I'm not sure what, but they can't. If your silly Atlas military can't get it through their thick heads, then I'll personally send the message."

Jaune draws the sword of his Charge Blade, glaring menacingly at Weiss. She gulps and looks away. He smirks and sheathes his weapon. He then turns back to the class and continues the lesson.

After the lesson

Jaune exits the class, only to be slammed against the wall by Yang, once again. But before she can even utter a single word, Jaune knees her in the stomach and spins her around before pinning her to the ground.

"Just shut you god damn bitchy mouth for once in your life."

Jaune then stands up and leaves.

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