Chapter Two

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I was blushing.

Jiminy Crickets I was blushing and I think I've failed hiding it from my cheeks.

"Hello miss?" A hand waving in front of my eyes pulled me out from the trance.

"Y-yes..." I swooned. Realizing I looked like a lovestruck idiot, I cleared my throat and reiterated firmly with a purposely low voice. "Yes?"

The guy in front of me chuckled and instantly I was back in the trance. Good thing my knees were strong enough to keep me from falling to my feet.

"Yeah. Uhh. Is that your brother over there?" He said, pointing to a specific direction. I followed my gaze to the location he was pointing at, and the next thing I knew I was running towards a spot on the grassy field.

Apparently, my brother was roughhousing with another kid. The other kids were chanting. Their parents approached to pick up their own kids meanwhile our parents picked up Edmund and hauled him away from the child he was wrestling with.

"What was that all about?" I asked mom. She massaged her temple and shook her head in disappointment.

"Yeah Eddie. What was that about?" Mom repeated my question, this time intending towards my brother. Edmund only cried and dad immediately wrapped his arms around his little boy.

"He started it," my poor brother wheezed. Being the sister who loves her brother (sometimes), I felt sympathetic and somehow angry at the other kid.

Noone can bully my brother except for me.

My eyes roamed around the area of the field-- table per table until finally I spotted the right one.

The other kid was getting a scolding from his mother. I smiled at the corner of my lips. Serves him right.

Then someone came to that same table and sat next to the little kid. I narrowed my eyes to make the view clearer, only to recognize that it was the same guy who had approached me earlier.

Maybe they're brothers? I never knew he had a brother.

Oh that's right. I forgot to mention. I knew that guy. I knew him quite well.

.....okay maybe not quite well since I didn't know he has a brother.


After the little situation earlier, my brother and some kid wrestling, the event finally took it up a notch.

It was time for the games to commence-- family vs. family.

Unfortunately, I wasn't the type of person who's fond of actively participating in anything, so I ended up sitting almost every activities. Well, most of the games only needed the parents anyways therefore I wasn't exactly being the downer.

I stayed by our table, minding my own business, scrolling down my Facebook feed. Meg tagged me on a photo she mentioned earlier-- Shawn and Camilla kissing at a beach.

Boy I could understand the frustration she felt even though I was acting nonchalant about it when we talked earlier. I mean imagine seeing my Michael Clifford locking lips with his girlfriend. I bet it would hurt more than hell.

I scrolled down some more, ignoring other posts from my timeline, momentarily pausing to some interesting memes, then eventually go back to scrolling again.

On cue, I sensed something moved from behind me. Before I knew it, that something turned out to be a someone, and that someone was now already sitting next to me.

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