Chapter Sixteen

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Guess where I am today?

At Ryle's house!

It's a Saturday morning and I'm at Ryle's house!

Since his parents still weren't home yet, he invited me to chill out with him. I had to make an alibi, telling my parents that I'm at a friend's house. Didn't exactly tell them who, but... it's not considered as lying isn't it?

The door to Ryle's bedroom creaked open and then entered Ryle himself with one large bowl of popcorn. I sat up on the bed, leaning my back against the headboard while hugging his pillow. It had his smell and I couldn't help myself from not taking a sniff.

We were going to have a movie marathon from his laptop today. First, a movie that I like. Then a movie he likes, and the third one should be a movie that neither of us have watched yet.

Ryle crawled on his bed and scooted over to the space next to me. He handed me the bowl, then reached for his laptop that was on the bottom part of the bed.

"Alright," he paused, adjusting his sitting position. I folded my legs together to be indian-seated, placed the pillow over my legs, then placed the bowl on the pillow.

"Have you chosen your film yet?" He asked as he turned on his laptop.

"I like something scary," I mused, picking one piece of popcorn then tossing it in my mouth. "Watchtower would be cool," I exclaimed.

"Watchtower?" He glanced at me.

"Yeah," I replied shrugging. "It's a zombie film."

"Okay," he was doing something on his laptop until Netflix popped up. After a couple more clicks, the movie finally started  showing on the screen. "Here we go."

I watched the movie with full attention, meanwhile Ryle would just give out snarky comments in every scenes. His defense was that the movie didn't make any sense.

We finished watching the entire movie just arguing one argument after another.

"Let's see how your movie goes then," I dared, scrunching my eyes at him. He pecked a kiss on my lips, then went to find the movie of his choice on Netflix.

"Today, I choose one of the classics. Evil Dead. Not the remake," he declared proudly and so we started watching the second film.

To be honest, I couldn't really give any negative comments about the film. Maybe the cinematography, but then again the film was made years back so it could be forgiven. And besides, I was a freakazoid when it comes to horror films. As long as it gives me the creeps, it's good enough for me.

Fast forward to when the second movie was finished, Ryle started to give out some comments again. But it was neutral this time. He pointed out the pros and cons of the film. I decided not to have a say just to avoid another debate.

"Ready for the third film?" He asked, circling his arm around me. I moved closer to his side and shoved another popcorn in my mouth. The bowl was already half empty.

"Yeah. What else is on Netflix? It still has to be scary," I told him as I munched on the popcorn.

"Actually--" he paused. I turned my head to him, only to see him hovering over me. "I've got a better idea," he leered at me.

Before I knew it, I was pinned down on the bed with Ryle on top of me. He had placed the bowl on the bedside table, same goes to the laptop.

He pressed his lips on mine and our lips began to twist and move in sync. I felt his hand cupped one of my breast then squeezed it gently making me moan. He took this opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth and met up with my tongue. Our tongues twirled and wrestled each other while we continued to kiss with steaming passion.

Just then, I heard his phone started ringing. I pulled my lips away, but this didn't stop him. His head moved down and planted his lips on my neck. His phone continued to ring.

"Ryle-- Nnnggg," I muttered beneath my moaning breath. He hummed, sucking my neck and making sure to leave a mark.

The phone rang for the third time, and finally Ryle's attention was captured. He pulled away, rolled off me and sat on the space next to me as he grasped for his phone. I pushed myself up as well, wrapping my arms around his waist while I snuggled to the cottony fabric of his shirt.

"Hello?" He said as he pressed his phone against his ear. His free arm enveloped around me, his palm stroking the upper part of my back gently.

I closed my eyes for a bit while I rest my head on his chest. Gosh he smelled so good I'm drowning in his scent.

"Shit! Do I have to? But... I can't... Why...? I don't-- No... I'm b-- Can't you ha-- Ugh... Fine..."

I gazed up at him, only to catch his face turning into a frown. He looked frustrated on something. I wonder what was the call about?

He violently placed his phone back down to the bedside table. I pushed myself up and asked him what was wrong.

"There's this party tonight," he said in a face-palm. I raised my eyebrow then sighed.

"I guess this is my cue to go," I said sadly, sliding my feet off the bed. Ryle quickly grabbed my wrist.

"Hey wait a minute."

I stopped moving and glanced back at him. "You should prepare for the party."

"I don't want to go," he said.

"Then don't," I retorted. His face was plain straight. "But you already said yes," I added, comprehending what the look on his face meant.

"Aren't you going though?" He asked me, making me laugh.

"I'm not invited. I never get invited. In case you forgot, I'm not one of you. It's practically the reason why you're too embarrassed to be seen with me," the last part just slipped off my tongue. I clamped my hand over my mouth when my own words sunk into me.

It didn't seem to affect him though, so I brought my hand back down. I got off the bed and remained standing for awhile. He stood up as well, his hand running through his hair.

"I promise I'll behave," he said, walking around the bed to get to me.

I laughed sarcastically. "You? Mr. Hump and Dump only? Behave?"

He didn't seem pleased so I mentally zipped my mouth shut.

"Let me tell you something Em," he paused to grab my hand. The spaces between us was so small I could feel his minty breath fanning on me. I unconsciously bit my lower lip as I stared deep into his eyes by accident.

"I don't want to be that guy anymore," one of his hand moved up to stroke the side of my head. "I can't take you out of my head. You drive me crazy Em and I don't have any fucking idea why. Even if I want this to be a secret for now, please believe me when I say that I--"

He froze.

I beckoned for him to continue but he just pulled himself away.

"That you what?" I asked inquisitively.  He only turned around. I could see his shoulders rising up and down which means he had just took in a deep breath.

"I should probably drive you home," he said while turning around to face me once again. I was staring at him but he was avoiding my gaze.

"C'mon. We'll use Uncle Roiland's car so I could get my car afterwards," he added.

I decided to stay silent. There's no point in forcing him anyways.

But I wondered what was he about to say before he cut himself off...

I had an idea though. I just don't want to assume.



Comments on Ryle anyone?
I hope nothing rude xD


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