Chapter Thirteen

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I just stood there watching as the guy, who bumped into me, bended his knees down to pick up the scattered bundle pack of tampons.

Remembering that it was tampons, embarrassment began to rush throughout my entire inner system. I hastily snatched the items from his grasp and muttered a low thank you. My face was flushing in red due to embarrassment so I couldn't look at him directly in the eye.

He chuckled, and he sounded just as embarrassed as I am.

"No problem. Although... although y-you shouldn't be thanking m... me... It w-was my fault. It w-was me who b-bumped you. I'm such a klutz," he stammered then chuckled shyly.

This time, I let my eyes take a slight glance at him. And my eyes were left in shock. I clutched the strap of my bag tightly.

I knew him. I see him everyday in school. He was in my Math class last school year. And is in my Spanish class this year. But those weren't the only reason why I knew him.

There's no doubt about it. This guy's a friend of Ryle's.

Suddenly, my frustration with Ryle rose again, so I just gave this guy a plain nod and motioned to walk past him.

I walked up to the line by the counter patiently. Good thing it wasn't that long of a line.

The line shortened after one person. I moved forward when seconds later, a presence stood up behind me.

Unintentionally, I looked back and saw the same guy from earlier again. He was holding four small bottles of beer. He must have noticed I was staring at him so he glanced at me. I turned my head back to the counter quickly the moment we made eye contact.

The line shortened again and alas it was my turn to pay up. Every move I made was in a rush. Perhaps it was because of the awareness that Ryle's friend is behind me. Yeah perhaps maybe it was.

As soon as the cashier guy gave me my receipt, I marched towards the door, placing the plastic bag of tampons inside my sling-bag.

I exited the establishment with fast steps, but was stopped in my tracks when a voice called me out.

"Hey!" Recognizing the voice, I continued my pace, still exerting the same walking speed. Actually, I was this close to running.

But then, the guy ran to catch up. He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. Out of impulse, I shook my arm frantically to escape from his grip, but he willingly pulled his hand away.

"Chill," he said with a wide grin on his  face, his palms raised up in level to his chest as if was in surrender.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Get away from me," I scowled glaring at him him in the eye. I went back to walking again, only to find out he's still following me.

"What do you want?" I asked with arched eyebrows, not stopping my steps.

"I want you to slow down," he panted. I slowed down, but not because he told me to. I was running out of breathe too even though I wasn't running. I was just walking really really fast.

"Finally," he took a deep breath. I rolled my eyes and started waiting for a cab.

"You headed home Em?" I heard him ask and I was taken aback.

I glanced at him wide-eyed. "What did you call me?" I unconsciously asked, dumbfounded.

"Uhh.. I called you by your name? Emma," he iterated, his lips showing a lop-sided smile that made him look adorable.

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