Chapter Nine

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At least Ryle kept his promise. He really didn't take me home late. In fact it was 6:15 pm when we arrived at the front of my house's driveway.

The little make-out session in the car while we were at the beach didn't go deeper. There was no ejaculation that happened, no fucking at all-- not even a finger fuck. Excuse me for my words.

I didn't mind it though. In fact, I don't think I'm ready to go down that lane. I have my principles-- which is to stay virgin until I find the right guy. I won't pretend that I haven't thought about it when I almost got carried away in the moment. I got curious, yeah, but luckily I was scared enough to be able to say No and I can't do this yet.

Ryle was understanding enough not to force me or pressure me into doing it. Well he should be understanding since I was understanding with him. I even said YES to his proposal for crying out loud, despite saying No at first.

Can't believe he got me to change my mind.

Anyways, I was still in Ryle's car. I was about to hop out but then he stopped me.

"I just have one slight request Em," he said softly, holding my hand and raising it to his lips to plant a kiss.

"Okay??" I raised an eyebrow, blushing as I felt his lips pressing on the back of my hand.

He heaved a sigh first, brought my hand down and started caressing it with his thumb.

"It would be best if we keep this a secret--"

"A secret?" I cut him off feeling dumbfounded.

"--Yes. But only for the meantime. When I'm ready to tell everyone you're my girl," he leaned in and kissed my forehead warmly. "Then I'll tell."

His girl. He called me his girl! AAAAAH.

"But why?" I managed to ask, mentally tying my heart with a rope so it would stop leaping for joy.

"Well for starters, you know my standing in school. I have a reputation to keep, and I know if people will know I'm seeing you, well--" his eyes avoided to look at me as he rubbed his nape.

There he is with his reputation again.

"So you're embarrassed of me?" I scowled pulling my hand away from his grasp.

He combed his hand along my hair on the side of my head then licked his lower lip.

"It's not like that," he exhaled separating his hand from my hair. "I'm just not ready to have anyone know yet. You understand right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, showing him that I disapprove. "Then why want to go out with me in the first place if you're not ready yet?" I added sarcastic air-quotes for the last three words of my sentence.

"Because I like you Em. I really do," he flashed his signature look at me I'm adorable smile, making me disappointed with myself for falling for it as always.

I only gave him a doubtful look. He licked his lip again and cupped his hand on my cheek. "I promise when the time comes, I will personally go to the school main building rooftop and shout the news myself. I would even use a megaphone if you like," he giggled. "I just really can't let anyone know right now. I can't risk it."

I heaved a sigh. I can't believe my mind is actually considering to agree with him.

"For now, we will put this into low-key. Alright?" He asked me with hopeful eyes.

I just loved the way his eyes glimmer. It's hard to say no when a pair of eyes that's as beautiful as his would stare at you the way he's doing now.

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