Chapter Five

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"You expect me to believe that Ryle actually french-kissed you?" Meg stated bluntly as she closed her locker door. She was still unconvinced despite insisting her that I was telling the truth.

"Ssssh. Keep your voice down," I whisper-yelled, placing an index finger over her lips. I looked left and right to see if anyone was around. Confirming the coast was clear I pulled my finger away from her face.

"I'm sorry. I just find that hard to believe. It's impossible for it to happen. He doesn't even know we exist. Maybe you're forgetting that we were one of those who did not get invited to his pre-birthday party celebration," she declared as we started moving through the hallways to get to class.

"But it's true!" I proclaimed. "I found it hard to believe it too. But we did," I paused to gulp. Then I drew my face closer to her ears. "We kissed and it was the best kiss ever."

Meg ceased walking. "Alright. Supposed I do believe you... Do you think it means something? I mean we all know Ryle. His motto is to hump and dump. He was probably just bored or something. I know I would if I was stuck in a family day event for elementary kids," she started walking again and I trailed next to her.

She does have a point. Despite being a handsome intellectual senior, he was also a renowned playboy.

"--When was the last time he got into a serious relationship?" Meg's question stunned me. It made me ponder for the answer myself.

I don't think he's ever been in a serious relationship before.

Maybe she was right. Maybe he really was just bored and that little hot session we had was nothing but a small time intended to drift away in oblivion.

On cue, the person we were talking about appeared from the staircase that we were about to pass by. He was walking up from the first floor. His colleagues from the debate club was with him and I presume they were talking about something important.

"Oh there's your imaginary boyfriend," Meg teased, nudging my elbow. I nudged her back.

Ryle and his friends were heading our way. As if a force was telling me to, I smiled at him. I was about to greet him properly with words but he just continued to walk passed us. He did glance at me for a second and I knew he saw me smiling at him, but then he quickly looked away as if he saw nothing.

He passed through like air. My heart totally ripped into shreds. I gasped in disbelief.

"Well," Meg huffed. "That was awkward."

And embarrassing.

"Let's just go," I hissed, furrowing my eyebrows. I grabbed her wrist and hauled her rushly to class.


I was heading to the school bus when we saw Meg's mom in the car that was parked beside the sidewalk near our school. She was honking the horn while waving her hand out of the car's window, calling out to her daughter.

Meg rolled her eyes and grunted. "Mom can be so embarrassing sometimes."

I chuckled and patted her shoulder. "At least your mom's here to pick you up."

My mom was busy with work and so was my dad, that's why none of them is around to pick me up. Thus, it's the bus for me today.

"Are you sure you don't want to hitch a ride?" Meg asked me with begging eyes. I'm pretty sure she only wants me to hitch a ride with them just so  she'd have someone to talk to, and not her mother who loves pitching in eligible boys for her to date.

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