Chapter Four

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Why can't I take that girl off my freaking head?


I can't take her out of my head. Her gray eyes, her tasty plumpy pink lips, her black hair that smelled like coconuts; the way her nose crinkled when she smiled shyly.

Why did I do that anyways? Why in the world did I kiss someone out of the blue? Hell we did more than just kiss. If I haven't regained my control back then, we would have ended up completely making out naked.

Gosh she drives me crazy.

When I got home after the family day event, the first thing I did was look her up on Facebook. As well as on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and all other social medias there was on the internet. But it was difficult. I only know her by her first name.


Ugh what was her last name again?

It's funny how we go to the same school and yet here I was, only getting to know her now.

That whole family day event wasn't really my thing. I just happened to be staying for the night at my uncle Roiland's place since my parents were off to a business trip. I wasn't anticipating there'd be a family day. Who knew I'd actually end up enjoying that whole event.

And it was all because of her.

"Gaah," I groaned ruffling my hair as I bobbed my head down on top of the table inside my bedroom.

Suddenly, my phone beeped. I tilted my head sideways, enough to take a glimpse of my phone's screen lighting up.

Eris' meme face showed on the screen, plus a notification indicating about a message.

I sat up straight and grasped for my phone.

Eris: Dude where are you? Everyone's waiting for you!

Hesitant, I decided to reply.

Ryle: I'm tired.

It wasn't long before I received a response.

Eris: dude are you kidding me?? Get your ass in here or else I'll kick that ass on Monday! And I don't care how good your ass is! I'm going to kick it anyways!

I stifled a laugh every time I read the word ass from his text.

Guess I have no choice then.

Ryle: Alright. Give me 15 minutes.

Eris: 10 or else!!!

I heaved a sigh and rolled my eyes. I seriously am tired. I've been in that family day event until the clock struck 3 in the afternoon. It drained the energy out of me. Not to mention the whole kissing scene I had, then there's the operation stalk mode that led to a fail.

Oh well.

I got up from the chair, walked over to my closet, pulled out a sleeveless tee and changed my gray sweatpants into knee-length shorts.

The thing is, there was this night party going on at the town beach. Being an in-demand person that I am, I had no choice but to accept when I got the invite.

Eris told me that the whole party was a tribute to me for my birthday since we can't do any parties on that day because it's a school night. Everyone knows I don't do parties on a school night so they decided to have it on the weekend instead.

An advance celebration as what Eris described it.

But then again, maybe Emma will be there.

Well, I've never seen her in any of the parties I've been to. And by that, I've been to every party there was, conjugated by students from school. So why would this party be different?

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