Chapter Seventeen

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Do I love her? Was I really going to say I love her?

I couldn't believe it. I confirmed to myself a thousand times that I like her. In fact, I like her too much... But does that leads to a point where I actually love her?

My thoughts was interrupted when a weight suddenly jumped on my back. As the person's laughter registered into me, I recognized it was Eris. He's wasted again and we've only been here for more or less than an hour.

"Dude!" He got off me, burping. "I just saw Vanessa in here," he yelled in a raspy drunk voice so I could still hear him clearly despite the loud music playing.

"Really?" I asked, trying to sound interested.

"The bitch's making out with someone in the pool," his voice cracked. I circled my arm around him and patted him in the back.

Damn. I thought he's moved on already. It didn't take this long with his previous exes. That Vanessa must have been something. I thought to myself as I aided Eris towards the maroon-colored sofa.

There were two girls making out on it so I had to shoo them away. Once they flee, I laid Eris down. He quickly sat up though.

"I don't want to go to sleep mom! Jesus!" He whined. I stifled a laugh watching him frantically starting one of his childish drunk tantrums.

"Man. How many had he drink this time?" Dennis asked, snickering, after approaching me. He's one of the players in the basketball varsity alongside Eris.

I smirked and replied. "Beats me man."

Dennis laughed. "He can be such a wuss sometimes," he snorted, patting my shoulder as his feet moved with the music's beat.

"Give him a break bro. He got his heart broken," I told him, my voice feeling sympathetic.

"Oh man," he gaped before sipping his  liquor. "Again? With who this time?"

"Vanessa," I plainly said near his ear.

"Vanessa Vandergield?" Dennis exclaimed. I nodded with a smirk.

"He saw her tongue wrestling with some guy outside in the pool," I added.

"Seriously bro. Eris could do way better than Vanessa. The one before her... Now she was better," Dennis stated. I nodded to agree. What was her name again? Lauren I think. They broke up because her entire family had to move to Singapore.

"Anyways, I'm going to check out on the boys--" he meant his other teammates. I nodded again and then he left.

When I shifted my attention back to Eris, he was crying silently on the sofa now. His hand was covering his face but I could tell he was crying by the way his body was shaking.

Poor Eris. He's such a good guy. It pains me to see him in pain too... No matter how much he gets on my nerves most of the time.

"Eris?" He gazed up at me. I felt sorry for him especially when I saw the strains of tears on his cheeks.

"I'm going to get something to eat. I'll be right back. You just sit here, cry or whatever, until the alcohol dries down okay?" I told him loudly yet calmly.

He nodded, snuffling. "Okay mom."

I ignored him calling me mom and just paced towards a table where some food was placed. There were peanuts, poptarts, chips, chocolate chip cookies, and other sorts of sweets. There was a bowl of punch as well, which I'm pretty sure was already spiked with both liquor and drugs probably.

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