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(About a week later)

     Dante's POV
We're all hanging out at Riley's house on Saturday. . .as planned. Michael and Violet are playing Riley's Wii and all of a sudden someone right in front of me screams "LETS PLAY WII TENNIS!" . . .it was Violet. "ight" Michael said. I rolled my eyes and continued scrolling through Instagram. All of a sudden I scroll upon a really good and cute edit of me and some girl I dont know. She's really fuckin cute tho. I liked the post and click on the tagged account, 'ramen.aep' and like a few of this girls posts. Then, I recognize this account. I've seen it before hints why I'm following it. Damn sometimes I'm slow. Then, right in my ear says, " whatcha looking at" it was Nora. And for those who dont know, I've known Nora since I was like 9. So I just tell her. "Number 1, dont do that again and 2, it's a fan account for me. I've seen it before but i just think shes really pretty so idrk." I said, "well first" nora mimics "why'd you just say idrk, like you literally said the letters? And second, talk to her. If you've been stalkin her like a fuckin dork then talk to her." Ya know, sometimes I love her but also hate her. "I dont know, I feel like she'd freak out like a fan would do." I say "come on Dante, what's the worst that can happen" so I give in and dm her.


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