♡Winter Formal p.2♡

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Kyleigh's POV
*15 min later*
A bit ago we all walked into the gym and looked around amazed. After we all snapped outta it we all went and got a drink at the snack table(A/N:who doesnt love snacks, am I right ladiessss). We all ended up ever so slowly drifting apart into our own couples. Then the first song to come on was 'Slow Dancing in The Dark' by Joji. Wow, slow(ish) song first, that's kinda weird. Anyway, I turn around and Dante stopped me by grabbing my hand gently, with a smirk, showing off his dimples.
Dante's PIC
I grabbed her hand and asked "can I have this dance?" With one eyebrow raised waiting for an answer. She looks up and smiles "you may." Say says intertwining her hand with mine. We walk over to the dancing floor. . .omfg the gym floor, you know what I mean. Anyway, I then grab her arms and put then around my neck and wrap my arms around her waist. She smiles and starts to sway.
Luca's POV
"You look gorgeous." I say, she looked down and smiled, "thank you Lucy."(A/N: fyi that's pronounced Lukey so ya) Karlyn says, I smiled and drug her out to the dance floor, " jesus fuck ima fall down if you keep draggin my like that." She says, I ro my eyes playfully and stop. I put my hands on her waist while she then gets what I'm doing and puts her arms around my neck.
Nora's POV
I looked over and saw Kyleigh and she looked at me, I bite my lip and put up 2 thumbs up, goofily. I then got spun around my a certain tall curly headed Canadian. "Oof." I said, " let's dance." Matteus says with the cutest smile ever. "Okay." I say showing dem dimplessss. He smiled and walked to the dance floor with me very close behind. I first put my arms around his neck and intertwine my fingers. I look up at this giraffe and smile genuinely. "So." He says, "so." I say with a smirk.
*10 minutes later.*
Rose's POV
All of a sudden after the slow song stopped I looked over and saw a lower classmen dancing, aka a freshman. Omfg, when I tell you it was just like those tik tok stereotypes, I mean it. Like how the "bustdown" and stuff. Like I couldnt help be let out one of those laughs you only let out at 11pm when your texting your friends and one of em sends a 'meme'. Aka an ugly laugh. "What's so funny?" Khalid said snapping me out of my thoughts. "That freshman." I say trying to point un suspiciously. He giggled. "I'm kinda bored." He said. " yea, me too." I say looking around. "Wanna leave?" He said, "yea, let's go to my place." (A/N: okay so they ended up going to her house and sitting on the roof, they vaped, ate some snacks, and drank aLcOhOl, and talked while looking at the stars. I was just to lazy to write it all down😉)
Nora's POV
Just then, I Got A Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas came on. Almost all my friends walked over to me, "oh hell yeaaaaaa, this shit was 3 year old me's fucking jam." I said, "hey! Dont use that profound language here." A chaperone said. I rolled my eyes and they all just laughed. "Oh Nora, only you." Kyleigh said. "I fucking know, I feel like Lessor hates me, they only tell at me for shit." I said laughing. We dropped the subject and all started to dance and have an amazing time. We all we're dancing, singing, laughing so hard we got the hiccups, and having the best time ever. Fuck, better than my freshman homecoming. I went with a guy named Wyatt and he ended up kissing my 'bestfriend'. Petty I know. But ye know, who cares now.
Karlyn's POV
The DJ never played slow songs ever again and basically just up-beat fun songs. So the group stayed together. It was a really really good time. We ended up staying till there was about 1 hour left of winter formal. "Fuck, I dont wanna walk outside in the cold, shit, my legs gon' freeze off, along with ma titties!" Violet said, "amen!" Nora yelled, "oh my fuckin god." One of the boys said. "You'll make it to the car, I think." Michael said. "Right, okay, dont tell me that when I'm in the hospital with MAJOR frostbite and they have to amputate my leg and arm off." Violet said rolling her eyes in a joking manner. I just laughed and went along with it. Then we all ended up going home, Matteus' mom driving us almost individually home with her sOcCeR mOm VaN.
Nora's POV
"I wanna thank ALL of you for an such an amazing night." I say, while winking at Teus. "Same." Said Kyleigh. . . .

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