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Karlyn's POV
*4 weeks later*
We're all hanging out just chillin watching a scary movie. But, one things missing. And that one thing is a person. Nora. We ask if she wants to hang out but she always says "I can't" and "I probably wont be able to, I have to go out with my family." or "I have to catch up on my art or homework." I guess she's just really busy these past 2 months. Whatevs. Everytime there's a jump scare, I slightly lean myself more into Richard. A little fyi for those who dont know, about 2 weeks ago Rich asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yeah!
All of a sudden the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." Says Dante.

Dante's POV
I run up the basement stairs and go to the front door. I open it swiftly and see Nora. Nora? I question. "Hey D." She says "hey, how've you been" she then says "I've been okay, can we talk. Ya know with everyone."  "Yeah" I say.

Rose's POV
We all get called upstairs by Dante. I then slightly stop in my tracks to see Nora. She smiles a bit then says "guys I'm sorry. . ."
"For what?" Said Michael. "I'm sorry for not putting effort into hanging out. And putting you guys off. The truth is, is that I just felt out of place, out of place because everyones dating and talking to eachother and I'm sitting there bored. I am truly sorry for putting you guys off." She said. "Its okay Nora, you don't have to be sorry." Said Karlyn. "Yeah" says Julia. "Thanks guys." She says. "So, in order of the school year almost starting, what do you say we have our last party together before Junior Year starts?" Dante said. Everyone says yes in there own ways. "Oooo guys wait, I heard there was gonna be a new girl this year. I wonder who it would be?" Nora said. "Yeah, i dont know" says Khaleed.

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