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Nora's POV
*1 month later*
Lately it's been raining alot in Windsor. Ya know, some think it's bad weather, others thinks it's dark n gloomy. But me, I actually love rain. Its relaxing. Also, everyone in my 'group' has a boyfriend/girlfriend and I'm just chillin being single. Dante and I have also been drifting apart. I dont really understand why exactly but ya know. Its life. Violet has Michael, Karlyn has Richard, Rose has Khaleed, and Dante has mystery girl. He wont tell me who she is tho? I've just been focusing on me I guess. Cause everytime we hang out everyones being all lovely dovey and I'm just sitting there like 😶. I would hang out with Teus but he's on vacation with his family. (An/ I'm so sorry this is very short. Idk what I'm doing.)

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