Chapter 13 || Let Me In

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I didn't have work so I decided to go for a stroll. I pull my hair in a low ponytail and hide it with a cap. I wear jeans and a layered jacket with a hood and start walking around.

I get myself into the busy part of the city and make sure to keep my head down low. It's likely they wouldn't be walking in the streets since they always have a new threat.

I observe and watch the people around me. Some grumpy, others minding their own business.

I look down when someone bumps hard into my shoulder almost pushing me to the ground.

I grunt and mutter a 'sorry'. I take my cap off to fix my hair and put it on again.

"Oh shoot! I'm so sorry I'm just really late....Ms.(y/l/n)?"

Shit. I freeze, not knowing what to do.

"Mr.Stark had said you'd been missing for a couple of months. Let me call him." Peter adjusts his backpack before checking his watch.

"No!" I didn't want to hurt him so instead I ran.

"Wait!" I hear him say. I forgot he had school. Damnit.

I run and try to lose Peter but he's so fast. But I'm faster. I think. I curse when I realize we were approaching the vacant part of the city.

I feel a net wrap around my torso, trapping my arms and pulling me to the ground. I try and rip out but Peter got to me.

"Please stop running." He pants. "Captain America and them are on their way."

I manage to reach my knife (where I take with me wherever I go) and cut out of his net. I run while Peter keeps on chasing his breath and I make it to my building.

But before I could reach, my hand with the knife is slammed against the brick wall and I let out a yelp. I fall to the ground and my hand was the only one holding me up by Peter's webs.

I catch my breath as I hear urgent footsteps approach me.

"(Y/n).." I hear Steve start and my chest tighten. I wasn't going to cry.

"Let me go." I mutter, my hair blocking my view from them. I struggle against the web, still trying to break free.

"(Y/n), we're here to help you." Steve takes a step forward and I yank my arm from the web, probably injuring something in the process and tears spring to my eyes.

I suppress a groan and stand up. I don't dare to look at them in the eyes. "Leave." I take a step towards the entrance of the building.

"Covard checked into the hospital months ago with multiple injuries." Natasha led on.

"That fucking bitch isn't dead is he?" I curse.

"(Y/n).." Steve starts.

"No. Don't (y/n) me. Don't pity me. I'm used to it. I'm used to this now." I scowl and make my way to the entrance of the building and walk in.

I take the stairs, once again and ty to ignore the shuffling of feet behind me.

My hand started piercing with pain as I tried to look for my keys, making things worse. I curse under my breath and in frustration I twist the knob too hard and it breaks the wood and clatters to the ground.

Welp. Nothing I have to lose anyway. I push open the door and make my way to the bathroom. I try to look for pain med but i probably forgot to stock up.

"(Y/n) come out." I hear Nat's voice.

"You know I contemplated whether I should actually go back or not." Nat was in my living room while Bucky and Steve stayed outside the room. "When I was free I stood in front of the building."

"Why didn't you come back?" Bucky asks.

I deeply sigh.'"you guys took too long." I say, knowing it would hurt them. "I needed time to think. I needed time to find myself. I have information on Covard that I know you guys could've used. So," I flail my arms and sit on the couch. "Ask what you need to."

Steve and Bucky now come in, but they stood up. So did Nat.

"What kind of person is Covard?" Nat starts.

"I don't know. We partied a lot. We would always go to the club. He killed people relentlessly. No mercy. No matter who they were." I itched for another bottle of booze.

"(Y/n), it's not safe here. Go back with us." Steve pled.

"I've been here for the past few months. I'm okay Steve." I say sympathetically trying to reason with him.

"(Y/n) we're not letting you stay here." Bucky talks.

"Fine." I grunt. "You guys have a good training room anyway." I mutter under my breath.

"You don't need to pack anything?" Steve crosses his arms.

"Nothing to lose." I shrug and walk out.
"I kinda forgot how nice it was being here." I sigh as I enter the living room.

"Your room is right where you left it." Nat says with a small smile.

"Thanks." I smile back. I make my way to my room to finally change out of my clothes. I sigh when I take in the smell of the tower.

"Hey." I turn around and see Bucky standing in the doorway.


"You shouldn't have left." He gritted his teeth.

"Bucky, you heard Nat. Covard isnt dead. I would just lead him to you guys." I try to reason.

After a moment Bucky looks up at me. "I'm sorry we couldn't save you."

I tilt my head down and frown at him. I step towards him to give him a big hug. "At least I have a home to go back to." We stay there and I hear Bucky give a slight sigh. "Don't pity me Bucky."

"I'm not doll. I want to help you. You don't deserve this." He says whispers into my hair. .

I let go of him and push myself back. "Maybe I do. Maybe this is exactly what I need." I frown.

"What?" He frowns back. "What do you mean?" He stares at me as I sigh. I take him by the arm and bring him in as I close the door behind him.

"It took you 20 years." I don't look at him. He takes his pointer finger to rest underneath my chin but I push it away. "It took you 20 years and it took me 5. And then Covard."


"I'm sick and tired of being so weak. And this fucking team is the worst of it. I shouldn't even be a part of it."

"Doll please-."

"And now it's just a matter of whether if being bent on killing people where I'm strongest at is more important than being weak and good. And I know people have had it worse. I know you've had it worse and I look like a fucking prick complaining about this." I close my eyes shut.


"And I could snap at any moment. Hydra's trigger words are still in my head and Covard's still out there so anyone. anyone. Could make me their little weapon an-."

"Stop." He breathes out. He reaches out his hand towards me but I step back. "You've got to let me in."

I look up at him.

"You want to be strong? Well let me tell you. You already are. But if you want to believe that you need to let me help you. I want to help you too."

We stand in silence. Buck sighs and opens the door.

"You need to accept things Doll. Let me in and I can help you."

He closes the door and leaves me in my thoughts.

[words: 1302]

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