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So today, I got period cramps so damn bad in study hall, I fell to the ground in fetal position and started crying. The teacher (male mind you) told me to man up, and whatever the hell I was crying about wasn't as bad as being kicked in the nuts. Well...I put in my music and went to next period where some guys taunted me about crying. Well, the teacher told me to take music out. I did not obey and got sent down to the office where I had a mental breakdown and got sent to the nurse. Where the nurse yelled at the principal and told him that period cramps are worse than any pain he has ever experienced in his life and hung up. So then she gave me some tea and chocolate, and I laid down, and now I got sent home to sleep for a bit and maybe not come to school for a few days.

A/N: Thinking of starting a self care book. yay or nay? (double update woop woop)

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