the period effect

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Alright so last year my program did a british panto of Beauty and the Beast, and I played on of the ugly sisters (I know they aren't in the Disney movie but this was different, and it's actually a fantastic role for that musical because there are a lot of fight scenes and inappropriate lines), and we double cast everyone so we would all have our primary role and our small role since we didn't have enough characters in the play. This means that there were 4 sisters, cast A and cast B pairs. One day after school, the sisters needed to stay with the director to choreograph our entrance fight scene, since it's the most complex one and he didn't like the one written in the script. While we were taking a break in between blocking, one of the girls asks us if we have a tampon because she's on her period(no, the director was not in the room.). Someone gets her a tampon, blah blah blah, then the next day another sister comes in and tells us she got her period, too. She then triggered me and I got it a few days later...and you can see how this is going to end. By tech week(a few days later), almost every girl in the cast was on her period. The poor boys were outnumbered, too. Luckily, most of us were finished by production, except for the few unlucky ones.
The ending result:
-one leaked and bled all over her white tights, but luckily she was wearing a mid-calf length skirt so you couldn't see and she got through the show without anyone seeing.
-one had to stop mid-show due to extremely bad cramps(she was curled up in a ball, we stuck some pills in her to rush her back to health). Luckily, she was only playing a background character that show and was better two hours later to perform as her primary role the next show. Just in time! Although she was pretty drugged up, but it suited her character well.
-and lastly, our cast A Belle got her period 30 seconds before she had to go onstage and didn't have time to get anything, so she had to tough it out while bleeding onstage and then run offstage between scenes, where someone was waiting with a box of tampons and some advil.

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