Chapter 3:Ryan

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"Ally!," Jenny called. I had just gotten to school and was making my way to my locker.

"Hi, Jenny"

"So what's up?"

"Nothing much"

"So how was your first day, yesterday?"

"Well,it was okay"

"What do you mean okay?"

"I made a friend and an enemy, so how bad could it have gone."

"Oh come on, you didn't make an enemy"

"Really, with Dionne sashaying all over my face and being all miss queen bee, what can I say?"

"You are kinda right, there. She is a bitch but like I said yesterday,stay away from her and you might survive"


"Now let's get to class,it's almost time"

"Yes, you're right. Life skills, right"

"Yup,now let's hurry."

Life skills class went really fast and soon it was time for the next lesson

"Alright, everyone get out!",Mr Jones yelled as soon as the bell went off.

"Ally, hurry!" She grabbed my arm and steered me towards the hallway. As we rushed to our next class, I wondered why on earth they allowed just five minutes to get to your next class on the other side of the school. While we were rushing,someone pushed me so hard I fell to the floor with a thud. I looked ahead and saw Dionne and her minions cackling like hens.

"You bitch!"Jenny screamed at her

"Well, aren't you a motherfucker?", Dionne retorted.

"Ugh, I hate that girl", I muttered but it must have been loud enough for them to hear.

"You shouldn't,hun. I gave you a choice, you made your decision so you're gonna have to deal with it. See ya later, losers." And just like that, she sashayed away. I hate it when that girl sashays. But then someone stopped her, I looked up to see a guy holding her by her arm.

"Dionne, what did that girl do to you? Why did you have to be mean to her?"

"This is none of your business, Ryan. Anyways, why are you defending her? She's just one of those commoners, you shouldn't get yourself involved with her."

"I don't care if she's a commoner or not, come on,she's your classmate."

"Blah,blah,blah... She's not my standard and not yours too. Come on, get to class"

I was wondering who that guy was and why he was helping me. Jenny went to get some painkillers so we were the only three left in the hallway, since the bell rang a long time ago. I say him walking towards me and he helped me up

"Are you hurt?"

"N-n-no",I stammered

"Ok, that's good,I'm sorry for what happened."

"Why are you apologizing? You weren't the one who pushed me"

"Ryan!!!! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Being human, and you have to learn that too"

"Ugggh!", that was her last word before she stormed off with her girls. What a brat.

"We should get to class, which class are you going to?",he turned to me.

"Um.... chemistry."

"Cool, me too."


Short chapter, I know. I just needed to publish something. At least there was drama in it. And Ryan has come unto the scene. What do you think of him? Any first impressions? Anyway,
I'm looking forward to my next chapter. Don't forget to
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The New Girl ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora