Chapter 15: The Dance Came With a Touch of Awkward

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Picture of Ryan's suit above


I know it's supposed to be winter and cold and all that,but I kinda forgot when I was writing this chapter and the previous one too so just pretend that the weather decided to be friendly and warm. On that note, enjoy


Ryan pulled up at my house at 5:45 pm. The dance officially starts at 6pm.
My mom answered the door because I was still putting on my finishing touches.

"Ally,hurry up and come down. Ryan's here!", my mom shouted

"Yes Mom,I'll be down in a minute!",I shouted back.

When I came down,I  couldn't believe my eyes. "Oh my God!",I said to myself. He looked amazing in his suit and royal blue tie.

"Ally,you look beautiful. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I don't even know why."

"You look great as well."

"Okay,you two,pose for the picture",my mom sort of decided that my first dance will look good in the family album. I wonder what she'll do at prom. After the pictures,we left. It was a quiet drive with just the radio providing sound. Soon,we were at the venue which was the cafeteria-turned-ballroom. I could tell we weren't that late since people weren't yet into the groove.

"Ally, stay close to me at all times. Yeah, it's a school dance but you never know if there's alcohol or drugs or anything around",I heard Ryan tell me.

"Um... okay, Ryan."

He smiled,"Wanna dance?"

"Sure." And with that,the evening's activities began. I spotted Lionel with Tracy and smiled. Jenny was enjoying herself with Spencer on the dance floor and I couldn't help but think that they looked cute together. Turns out,there really was  alcohol and many people started to get drunk. I think I had one too many drinks: non-alcoholic drinks,because I needed to use the washroom.

"Um... Ryan,I need to use the washroom. I'll be right back."He hadn't let me out of his sight since we got here.

"Oh okay,but hurry back."

"I will". I headed down the hallway towards the ladies restrooms.

***RYAN'S POV***

What's keeping her so long? She should have been back by now. I hope everything's okay. I decided to wait a while but after five more minutes,she still wasn't back so I decided to go look for her.

"Help me!" I thought I heard someone shout but it was muffled. I move closer and hear it again,"Help!". It was a girl's voice. I got closer. Oh no! I felt my fists getting balled up. 


I was done using the washroom and was returning to the dance when a blonde guy started coming towards me. He was drunk, terribly drunk. Why would anyone even bring alcohol to a school dance? He got closer and I started to panic. I moved closer to the wall and that was my mistake. He placed both hands on the wall closing me in.

"Help me!",I screamed out. He looked down at my lips and started licking his lips. I knew what he was thinking and I didn't like it one bit. "Help!",I screamed one more time before he started closing the space between us. I closed my eyes, maybe,this is just an illusion and it will all go away. Oh God! This wasn't how I wanted my first kiss to go. But before that even happened,I heard a punch and my "harasser" was down. I open my eyes. Yes! I still have virgin lips, I celebrated in my head. But then, my mind came back to what was happening.

"Ryan?" He was punching the guy. I had never even seen him before. But that doesn't matter, Ryan saved me. After a few more punches, I kinda felt sorry for him so I got Ryan off him.

"Ryan, Ryan. I'm okay. Leave him alone now." He finally got off him but he was still really pissed off.

"Are....are you okay, Allison?",he was panting.

"Yes, I'm fine. You've dealt with him,now let's get back."

"Are you sure?".

"Yes, I am"

"Okay then"

I held onto his arm and we started moving in the direction of the cafeteria but not before Ryan gave my abuser one last kick, right in the balls. He groaned in pain and we both smiled.

It was getting late and Ryan decided to drop me home. He pulled up on my driveway and walked me to the door. I think my mom was asleep because all the lights were off.

"Today was actually kind of fun", Ryan said.

"Yeah,it was. I'm glad I went with you."

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier this evening."

"You don't have anything to be sorry for, Ryan. In fact,I should be thanking you for saving me. Thanks,a lot."

"Don't mention it. After all,I couldn't allow anyone else kiss my date."

"I guess",I think I blushed a little. After that,there was an awkward silence. And then,there was a sort of tension in the air. I felt his warmth as he closed the space between us. Oh my God,he's gonna do it. I closed my eyes and felt his lips on mine. It was like there were sparks flying. Our lips moved in sync until we finally pulled away. I was out of breath. That was amazing!

"Good night, Allison."

"Good night Ryan."

He pecked my cheek before he left. I still couldn't move after the magic that just happened so I watched his car drive away till it was out of sight before running up to my room and burying my squeals in my pillow.

Whoosh. That was something, wasn't it? I wonder what will happen next. I hope y'all loved this chapter as much as I did. Please, comment and vote. It really, really means a lot to me. Thanks for reading


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