Chapter 24: Who's Wearing The Jersey?

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I slept in as today was Sunday. After lunch, I had nothing to do. Fortunately, Jennifer came over. She went on her date with Spencer yesterday and I was dying to know how it went.

I was watching TV when I heard the doorbell.

"It's open!"I hollered.

"Hey",Jenny greeted

"Get comfortable. My mom is asleep, don't bother going to greet her."



"So what?"

"Oh come on. Tell me how your date went."

"Jeez Ally,at least offer me some water."

"You know where the fridge is"

So won't you get it for me?"

"You've been here a million times, you're no more a guest."

She laughed,"if you say so"

Immediately she came out of the kitchen,I said,"Now,tell me."

"Okay okay. He took me to a restaurant. It wasn't formal but also not so informal"


"We ordered,ate,talked for a while and he took me home"

"That's it?"


"I know there's more"

"No,there isn't."

I looked at her

"Ok,there was a piano in the restaurant and he played me a song."



"And......" I waggled my eyebrows at her


"Did he....?"

"Did he what?"

"Oh Jenny, don't act like you don't know."

"Know what?"

I facepalmed myself, "Did Spencer kiss you?

She lowered her head and I could see her cheeks turn red. She was obviously smiling, "Yes, Spencer kissed me"


She threw a couch pillow at me and I laughed.

She asked,"So has Ryan asked you yet?"

No,not yet."

"Oh okay"

When she finally went home,it was almost sunset.


It's Thursday, tomorrow's the game. Why hasn't Ryan asked me yet? Or he's going with someone else. Or even worse,what if he asked Dionne. No! Why are these thoughts even running through my head? It's not late, right?

We had closed from school and I was putting my books in my locker.

"Ready to go?" asked Jennifer.

"Actually, I'll be taking Ally home today". We both turned to see Ryan.

"That's fine by me."

"Cool, we'll see you tomorrow". I still don't know why he all of a sudden offered to drive me home.

There was a little chitchat during the drive. When he pulled up in front of my house,I got out and he did too. He walked me to the porch.

"Okay Ryan,see you tomorrow. Thanks for the ride."

"Wait,not so soon."


"I drove you home because I wanted to ask you something?"

"Go on"

"Would you like to wear my jersey tomorrow?"

Yes! That was my mind doing a happy dance.

"Uh yeah... I'll wear your jersey tomorrow",I tried to say calmly.

"Great. I'll be right back. He trekked to his car,opened the back seat and brought out a hanger with a neatly ironed blue jersey. It had number 7 at the back.

"Here you go"


"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning?"

"I'll ask Jenny if it's okay then I'll text you."


"Bye". He gave me a peg before leaving

I spread the jersey on my bed and kept on staring at it. I'm wearing Ryan's jersey tomorrow!


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