Chapter 32: What's Meant To Be Will Be

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The sun shining through my room window woke me up. Oh no! I'm going to be late for lectures. I ran into the bathroom and freshened up.

When I finally got to the hall, lectures had started.

"Miss Astley, you're late."

"I'm sorry professor. It won't happen again,I apologized."

"It better not. Thank your stars I'm in a good mood today. Now get seated!!"

I scurried to an empty seat at the back and took out my laptop. That wasn't so bad,I breathed a sigh of relief.


It was midday, which means I had a little tea break before my next lecture. I hate Mondays. I have about six lectures on Mondays.

I was making my way towards the café on campus where I met Jennifer everyday. Yes,we both made it into Stanford University but we were majoring in different courses. I was taking social science and she was majoring in law.

We had grown up now,high school life  had past and now we were facing the real world,almost.

Many people from Westminster had good grades but there were others, including Dionne who didn't do quite well. Speaking of her,I guess my prediction was right. She didn't make it into any of the universities or colleges everyone dreamed of. I heard she was in one of the community colleges in one of the states nearby. I don't want to judge her but it serves her right. Instead of focusing on her studies,she was going after guys and making other people's lives hell.

Lionel,yes Lionel made it to Yale and I think he was majoring in one of the engineering courses. As to whether he was still with Tracy,I wouldn't know.

My phone rang bringing me out of my reverie. I answered it.

"Ally,where are you?"

"Relax Jennifer,I'm coming. I'll be there in two minutes."

"Okay. Should I order for you?"

"Sure. I'll take the usual."

"Okay, hurry up." She hang up.

When I got to the café,I spotted her sitting at a table for two near one of the windows and I joined her.

"Hey girl",I greeted.

"Congratulations! You just won the award for the slowest walker. How do you feel?",she teased

"Oh please,you know my department is a little far from here."

"Whatever. So how was your morning?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

My eyes were heavy with sleep. I watched movies on my laptop till late, very late and so I didn't get enough sleep. That also accounts for why I was late this morning.

"Oh yes it is. You look terrible. Lemme guess you didn't get enough sleep."She giggled

"Is it that clear?"

"You look like a real life zombie and the bags under your eyes don't make it any better."

"Oh come on,now you're just exaggerating."

"Okay okay. Maybe I am,but you really need to stop staying up all night."

"I'll try"

By this time,our orders had arrived:a large sized cappuccino with whipped cream and some cookies for me and some iced tea and a croissant for her.

Jenny started talking but I think I zoned out. My mind drifted far away thinking of a certain someone.

Yup,you guessed right. Ryan Woods.

He got a scholarship to study at Princeton. He kept his promise,at least for a while. We kept in touch,he called often ,we Skyped,we texted until one day I didn't hear from him. I called but his number was unreachable and I hoped he would call or at least text,but for days,he never did. Trust me, I was heartbroken. But thankfully, Jenny was there. What would I ever do without her?

When we went back home on winter break, I found out his parents moved away so I'm sure he moved too.

That was the end of it. After two years,here I am thinking of him and how he's doing. I guess I still loved him just as much as I did back then but what do they say, forget about the past and move on. That's exactly what I'm trying to do

"Ally?",I was brought back to reality by Jennifer's snap.

"Huh?!" I was startled.

"Were you even listening to me?"

I remained quiet.

"You were thinking of him again, weren't you?"

I nodded

"Ally,it's been two years. Forget about him and move on"

"I'm trying Jenny,I really am but...."

"But you still love him",she completed."Look Allison,most high school relationships don't last and unfortunately,yours was one of them. You'll find another guy. You just have to forget about the past and MOVE ON!"

"But yours worked. Spencer is still with you so you wouldn't know how it feels."

Yes, Spencer made it into Stanford as well. He usually joined us at the café. Maybe he was busy with something.

"Ryan isn't Spencer,Ally. Maybe,he just wasn't the one for you."

"Let's just stop talking about this okay. It's almost time for my next lecture."

"Yeah,I have to go too."

We both paid for our orders and left for our separate classes."


"Um... hi. Excuse me!" A male voice called out.

I turned.

"I think you dropped this". I looked up at him. He had blue eyes and chestnut brown hair. He smiled as he handed me my handkerchief and his dimples showed.

I took it and muttered a thank you.

"No worries. My name's Greg. He stretched his hand for a handshake."

"I'm Allison",I shook his hand. He smiled again and I smiled back.

That's where another story began.



So...... there's the climax. I actually have tears in my eyes right now. It's been quite a journeyand this is where it comes to an end.

If you loved the ending just as much as I did, please don't forget to vote and share

And if you wanted it to end in a different way,feel free to comment.

Thanks for reading

- Jessi

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