Chapter 20: Surprise in my locker

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This chapter is dedicated to  SunnieCartel16 for being my most supportive reader. Thanks dear


"Bye mom. Have a great day at work"

She sped off and I started walking into the worst place in the world. I spotted Ryan walking towards me with a smile and his backpack slung on one arm.

"Good morning, babe." He has suddenly started calling me babe within the last few days.

"Hey". I met him and gave him a hug.

"Shall we?"He stretched out his hand and I put mine into it


Our first class, chemistry,was smooth. We learnt about the periodic table. The day passed really quickly and soon it was over.


The bell rang signalling the end of the last period,home economics. As soon as I stepped out, Dionne stepped out after me.

"If I were you I wouldn't go to my locker",she sang into my ear and hurried off with Jessica.

"What's that supposed to mean?",I asked Jennifer.

"Just ignore her"

I had a feeling she had something planned. Please let it just be in my head.

"Ok Ally, I'll go and drop off my books at my locker. I'll meet you at the car park."


I made my way to my locker and entered my combination. I slowly opened it.

"WHAT THE.....!!" A packet of flour fell all over me,my face,my clothes,the floor. That bitch Dionne!!

Students were taking photographs of me. Oh God,this is so embarrassing. I wished the ground would just open up and swallow me. I feel like crying right now.

"Hi newbie. Did you get a visit from the flour monster?"

That did it, I allowed the river of tears to fall down my cheeks. Dionne and her minions were laughing at me and the whole school was mocking me. This is a nightmare.

"Allison, what happened?" I turned to see the concerned look of my boyfriend.

"Someone played a prank on me". I told him in between hiccups and tears.

"And I'm pretty sure we know who",he glared at Dionne. "Why did you do this, Dionne?

"Who? Me?"

"Cut the crap. We all know you did it"

"You can't accuse me. What proof do you have?"

"You told me not to go to my locker!"

"You can't prove anything". She scoffed

She was right, even though we all knew she was the culprit,we didn't have any proof, even though she told me earlier that I shouldn't go to my locker,it was my word against hers.

"Ally,I was waiting for you at the car park but you never came. Oh my God,what happened?" That was Jenny,I was supposed to meet her at the car park before this whole fiasco happened. She saw Dionne and immediately knew what she did. "How dare you, McCoy?"

"Oh please"

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, principal Roy  appeared. All the students scrambled off leaving Dionne, Jennifer, Jessica, Ryan and I.

"What in heaven's name happened here? Who created this mess?"

"Allison", Dionne answered.

"Miss Astley, what's going on? Are you responsible for this?"

"Principal Roy, Dionne pranked me"

"No,I didn't",she said

"Do you have any proof that she did it?"

"No sir",my head fell

"Then,I'm afraid you cannot accuse her". He sighed. "Miss Astley, clean this up before you leave."

"Yes Principal Roy"

"Have fun", Dionne said with a grin and turned and left with Jessica still laughing.

"Um, Ally,I still have that shirt in my locker",Jenny offered.

"Thanks Jenny but I'll just wait till I get home"

"Oh okay"

"Ally,you go and freshen up, Jennifer and I will start cleaning this up."

"Thanks Ryan"

By the time I was done,they had almost finished cleaning up the flour so I helped them finish. I couldn't get all the flour out so my hair still had white strands. Ryan offered to take me home but since I had originally planned to go with Jenny,I went with her instead


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- Jessi

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