Chapter 4: Ryan is a Jock

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"Allyyyyy!! Wait up", that was Jenny. I forgot about her after the Dionne incident and she went to get me some painkillers. What a bad friend I am!

"Oh hi Jennifer",I responded apologetically.

"Oh hi Jennifer", she mimicked me,"you forgot about me,didn't you?".

"Nooo, it's not like that".

"Well,I think it is because Mr golden boy over there took my place".

"Oh come on, Jenny. He only helped me out and since we both had chemistry ,he walked me to class."

"If you say so! Now hurry, let's go get lunch."

We got lunch and sat at our now usual table. I spotted Ryan, the guy who helped me. I know his name because Dionne called him that. He was sitting with a bunch of other guys and I noticed girls were deliberately passing by that table and making googly eyes and weird faces.

"Um... Jenny"


"Who are those guys over there? Is it some sort of popular clique or something?"

"Oh, those are the school Jocks- most popular guys in school and also the hottest might I add. They are mostly with the cheerleaders so girls like us don't catch their eyes."

"Oh ok,I see that. And Ryan is part of them?"

"Yup.... Ryan Woods, he's the  quarterback and also the school team's captain. The cheerleaders try to get his attention even including Dionne McCoy".

"Oh really"


Just then, the bell rang so we dumped our rubbish in the trash can and hurried to our next class - PE

PE went well since Dionne and her girls weren't in that class. Ryan was also not in it,so no distractions. We did a little theory and then the class was over. School was over as well. Jenny gave me a ride home. My mom was home when I got there.

"Good afternoon, mom. You're back early today".

"Oh hi sweetie. Yeah,I had a headache at work so I got excused"

"Are you ok now?"

"Yes dear, thanks for asking. So how was school".


"Did you make some more friends?"

"Nope.... but obviously someone hates me now", I muttered

"Did you say something?

"Oh nothing mom"

"I thought I heard you say someone hates you"

"Oh no, it's nothing. Just a mate who gets on my nerves"

"Oh honey. Don't allow people to dampen your mood ok"

"Yes mom. I'm going to rest now"

"Okay,I'm here if you want anything"

I was awakened by a beep from my phone. It was a text from Jenny reminding me that we had a chemistry homework. She's such a good friend. I almost forgot about it. It turns out I've been asleep for a long while. It's almost 7pm. I went downstairs to get dinner. Mom had prepared Mac and cheese. After supper,I took my bath and did my homework. I wasn't feeling sleepy so I watched pitch perfect on my laptop - again. I can never get tired of it. It was almost 11:30 when I slept. Only God knows what tomorrow brings.

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