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You know I'm not one to break promises.

Renesmee smiled to herself, watching Jacob fix yet another car in his garage. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she was thinking about how the years had gone by. In the blink of an eye she was no longer a child, now a young woman with nothing but dreams and hopes for the future.

She was admiring Jacob's strength - both mental and physical. It wasn't like she couldn't do the same he could - she was a woman, women could do anything men could. Jacob was a tough cookie. He had gone through too much, coming out as a winner. Almost. Of course, she didn't need to know that. He wanted to let her believe he was the perfect guy. That was why he was fixing that specific car. It was for her. As soon as Renesmee learned how to drive, she would be its owner.

Renesmee chuckled to herself as Jacob stood up from his knees. His hands were beautiful. For anyone else, they were dirty, nothing else. But the dirtiest hands were the most beautiful. Why? Because they symbolised the hard work of a human being.

Jacob was the hardest working person Renesmee knew if she excluded her family and their vampire skills. She wished she had his motivation and passion.

He wiped away the sweat from his forehead with his palm before continuing, pouring himself into his work. It was more than just a job that paid well. It was the one thing he loved doing the most besides spending time with the girl he had imprinted on - Renesmee.

Speaking about the young hybrid, she opened the mini-fridge that had been installed in the garage and got out a fizzy drink, popping it open and letting the tiny bubbles tickle her tongue as she took a sip of it.

"Not fair! What about me?", Jacob pouted, as he was working on the engine. In no time, the car would only need a paint job and it would be ready.

Renesmee chuckled before tossing a cold tea in his direction. He nimbly caught it with one hand and flashed a smile at her, the type of smile that would make a girl weak in the knees.

Not Renesmee.

And she didn't understand any of that either. Any girl would love to date Jacob Black, he was the most handsome of the young men of the reservation, he could have any man or woman he wanted to. Yet, the hybrid didn't seem to desire him in that way. To her, he was an inspiration, her idol.

After what seemed ages, Jacob had finally finished working on the engine. Tomorrow, he would discuss the colour choices with his imprint.

"I was wondering," He wrapped a towel around his sweaty neck and sat on the half-broken bench, Renesmee following him, curious what was he going to say, "Do you wanna go out sometime, maybe watch a movie and grab some dinner?"

While the young woman hadn't had enough life experience, she wasn't as naïve and child-like as people preferred to believe, especially her own family. She was fully aware he was asking her out on a date. Part of her wanted to politely decline his offer, having never been on a date with anybody before. But the part that felt like that so-called "date" would be fun, was dominating. What was going to go wrong, after all? Maybe that was what was needed to help her realize her feelings. With growing up (and faster than most people) came a new world. And that was a chance to embrace it.

The corners of her mouth turned into a slight smile, forcing herself to do it because she knew Jacob expected her to do so, "Okay."

Renesmee had promised herself not to lie to the most important people in her life.

Then why she had broken it?

Too Close [RENESMEE AND JACOB]Where stories live. Discover now