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You've given me more than I can return,
yet there's oh so much that you deserve.

A night walk in the woods after the boisterous night she had survived, Renesmee felt almost as if she was laying on a cloud. The quietness of the forest reminded her of her short, yet almost peaceful childhood.

She could care less about the countless missed calls and messages her parents had left her. She was old enough to handle herself. If only they could see it.

If only Jacob could see it too. Sometimes, she had the feeling that in his eyes she was still a child. Of course, she would never fully understand him - after all, she couldn't get in his mind the way her father could.

At the same time, Jacob had literally watched her grow over the years. He had been the one who had helped her plant her first tree, bury her goldfish and had taught her how to ride a bike, later on encouraging her to try skateboarding and surfing. He had laughed at her first terrible hair dye job and had pushed her swing at the Reservation's playground. He had snuck snacks and sodas for her when she had been grounded for misbehaving.

And now he had romantic feelings for her which she didn't reciprocate.

He was one of the most important people in her life. And she knew if she told him the truth, she would hurt him. She didn't want him to die of a broken heart. Knock on wood, she had never experienced any of that, nor she didn't wish any of that upon anybody else.

Alas, what if they ended up married with children? How was she going to live then? What if she found her true love? She would have to go through legal issues and fight for her hypothetical children.

Too much useless drama, it felt almost abnormal. Especially compared to the almost idyllic life of the rest of her family, who thought what Renesmee was doing was beyond ridiculous, childlike and would end up horribly for everybody, including her.

Renesmee sighed loudly. If only she was like everybody else, for sure her life would be much easier for her and for everyone around her. Even the soft singing of the trees, almost sounding like the hymns in the church in combination with the wind couldn't help her let loose. It was all too much for her to handle.

That night, she had found herself in yet another sleepless night, doing yoga to forget about her problems, while her parents would shake their heads, hoping she would get some sense in her head from somewhere and would actually use it, just like the young ladies her age.

Too Close [RENESMEE AND JACOB]Where stories live. Discover now