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And it feels like I am just too close to love you!

One moment in the Cullen house could be heard nothing but the screaming of what felt one thousand people. And the other - an innocent damsel was crying her heart out on the floor, leaving everybody stupefied. When they attempted to touch her, she would push their hands away as if she didn't feel worthy enough of anybody's support. She believed she had to suffer in silence... when it wasn't like that, at all. That was what family was for. And her family would be there for her in anything.

At this very moment, however, no one could understand her. Not even Edward. Renesmee's thoughts were messy as if she was in the auditorium and scribbling down tiny unreadable letters on a sheet of paper, trying to catch up to the speed of the professor's speech.

Bella refused to let her child be in pain. No matter how much Renesmee struggled, in the end, her mother was on the floor, having cradled her as if she was a baby again.

The family slowly backed away, leaving a mother and a daughter in the living room that suddenly felt tiny in the eyes of Renesmee, who wanted nothing more than to be left by herself. At that moment, she loathed how she had been exposed and had ended up being vulnerable in the eyes of her family. Choking on her tears, she was unable to calm herself down. The tips and tricks she had learnt with her uncle Jasper had vanished from her memory at that moment.

All that was left were the cold arms of her mother around her.

"I can't do this!", Renesmee cried, unable to struggle any longer, "I can't!"

With her cold palm, Bella wiped away the sweat that had formed on her daughter's forehead, "Shh, you can do this," she cooed, whispering, "You can do this, you're so strong!"

Alas, Renesmee's cries didn't grow less until the sunset and twilight, the best time of the day for the vampires, came faster than anyone had expected.

Too Close [RENESMEE AND JACOB]Where stories live. Discover now