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There's nothing I can really say!

The next days - Renesmee had spent them in silence. She refused to open her mouth, feeling naked. That was bizarre, unfamiliar to her.

She let out a sigh and leaned on the bay window, staring at the same old view of the trees, who would never stop singing their soft songs. Couldn't they just stop? It was like they didn't see that there were people who didn't need others to remind them of how everybody else was happy, living their own lives and looking forward to the next day?

Frustrated, the hybrid slammed her fist on the pillow, biting her tongue harshly with her teeth. It was on purpose - to prevent herself from making any noise. Like the vampires couldn't hear her. They were literally tiptoeing around her to reassure themselves that she wouldn't harm anyone, including herself.

Her father was taking it the hardest. He blamed himself for being a soulless monster and thus not teaching his own child to respect other creatures and their feelings.

Bella's job was to talk her husband out of his dark thoughts. It was never easy. That was one of the prices to pay for being a wife - she would always try her hardest, but at times it wouldn't be enough.

Carlisle and Esme were hesitant what to do. Alice stayed away from her niece to check in the future. Jasper, always more than ready to listen, would patiently wait for Renesmee to come downstairs in the study and confide in him. She never came. That was unusual of her. Through all of these years, whenever she had the need to, she would always come to Jasper. It had been like that ever since her panic attacks had occurred in her childhood. This time, however, she was nowhere to be found. And that scared him. What if his niece had begun her road to self-destruction? He couldn't let his story repeat itself.

Jasper was pacing back and forth in the cabinet, thinking of ways to connect with Renesmee again. He needed to help her. Of course, he could use his special ability, but that was the easy way out. Renesmee needed to recover by herself and not because of some literal magic. After all, her family wasn't always going to be next to her. She had to be a big girl and to learn to handle things by herself. 

Another week had flown by with nothing but tension and anxiety in the Cullen house. Renesmee refused to step out of the house. She needed to hunt. It was necessary for her, almost like vitamins were necessary for humans.

Bella and Edward were in their daughter's bedroom, trying to persuade her to come outside.

"Come on! You will diversify yourself!", Edward insisted, peeling the blanket off Renesmee, who grumbled and buried her face in the pillow. She refused to speak, only letting out animalistic sounds from time to time to express herself. Her parents had had more than enough of that regression they had witnessed.

Against her will, Renesmee had been forced to bathe and to get dressed in comfortable clothing. Her parents, carrying their cameras, were taking her to their meadow.

Early in the morning, Bella and Edward were walking hand in hand, gazing at each other lovingly, their daughter trailing behind them, literally shambling her feet and wondering what the hell was she doing with them. She would much rather stay in bed for as long as possible. But she knew her unhappiness couldn't last forever.

She had to do something. She had to change everything. But what could she do? Anything would heart anybody, including her. If she told Jacob the truth, she would lose him forever. If she kept her mouth shut, she would continue destroying herself. And now that her family knew the truth, she felt like she couldn't stay with them for too long.

The morning stroll with her parents, the beautiful nature... they had inspired Renesmee to seek for more. To go out there and find her own way.

Maybe that would make everybody happy, including her?

Too Close [RENESMEE AND JACOB]Where stories live. Discover now