Author's Note

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Hey sins, author-chan here, I just wanted to let you all know what's going on amd what's to be expected.

I've been editing previous chapters trying to make them a little bit better. If youd like, I'm not done though, you can check some of those out.

I've been having some...issues...lately and let's just say depressions a bitch. I've been reading and writing a lot lately to try and get my mind of stuff, ot seems to be the only thing that works. But if something serious happens and I dont update for a while, just pray for me or something hell idek do whatever I cant control you.

I have some big plans but it's going to but it's gonna take a long time to get there. I just hope I can do what I want to do.

Anyway, that's kindve a wrap on this note ig. Fun fact while I was writing this I was called a bitch twice by someone very important to me. Good times. But that's about it for now. I'll do my best with this and everything else going on.

That's all for now

Till next time my sins~


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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