Chapter 5:The night part 1

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Danielle's POV

So I'm suppose to be dead. He made a report saying I killed myself and Mike apparently found me. I actually kinda imagined killing myself but I always wanted to jump off a building. Maybe I could jump of this bed and breakfast roof and end my life. I did what he told me to do and stayed in the car until he came back. Now I'm in the room on the couch while he's explaining the plan. I mean I kinda already know what to do...

"We should get some sleep. I will wake you in the morning." He said.

"Ok." I went to the bed and sat down.

"What are you doing?" He asked sounding annoyed.

"I have been in a prison basically my entire life so I get the bed." I said as I got comfortable.

"Well I have been in prison my whole life so I get the bed." He crossed his arms an pouted like a little kid. He even looks cute doing it to...wait...shut up!

"We are never going to settle this are we?" I asked being annoyed and done with this situation.

"Nope." He sat on the other side of the bed making sure there was room between us. "So here's the deal. I have friends were going to meet up with half brother to team up with us. They are going to help us get inside after we get your family. Just let me do all the talking and don't ask them any questions. Ok?" he looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Oh wow I can't believe you have friends. It's not like I'm going to get answers anyway." I said to myself more then to him but he still heard me.

"Whatever just get some sleep." He laid down and turned the other way so now I can only see his back.

I also lay down and turn away from him, "What's his name?"

"What?" He acted surprised. I barely know anything I can at least know who I'm dealing with.

"Your brothers name...I just want to know, that's all. I mean I barely know anything."

"Sure his name is Lucas now go to sleep." He shifts himself.

"Whatever you say captain." I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep but before I did I swore I heard him chuckle...

I always have the same dream. I can't seem to stop them from coming. It bothers me and I'm sick of them. It always starts the same...

I'm with my dad and brother getting groceries. I am happy but also young, my brother a year older than me is holding my hand as my dad pays for the groceries. We are on our way home its a beautiful day out...I thought that I would ride my bike when I got home. I go into the house fast, very exited to see my mom. When I walk in I see my mother laying on the floor with a gun in her hand and blood everywhere. I scream but I don't hear it I actually can't hear eyes are full with tears and I can actually hear my dad yelling its all my fault and my brother crying as well. I guess my dad had to blame someone but he knew as well as I did that she killed herself. I sat on the floor in a fetal position crying and yelling for my mom to get up, to tell her I'm sorry for acting out, to tell her that I love her one more time. I saw a note next to her body that said "You will know why I did it when it is time". I didn't know what that meant but I still was crying and I didn't care about it at the time and then everything became a blur


"Danielle wake up" I heard a faint voice say but also someone was shaking me awake.

I shot up and Jake jumped back. "Are you ok?" He asked coming back towards me. I noticed I was crying.

"I'm fine its just a bad dream, sorry If I woke you up." I look up at him but he is already staring down at me with concerned eyes.

"It's ok you didn't wake me up. I couldn't sleep." He went to go sit down on the couch and I don't know why but I got up and sat next to him.

"Did you have a bad dream as well?" I sat next to him.

"All the time." He looked into my eyes and we just sat there quiet for a while.

"I'm sorry about that." To be honest I truly was. I couldn't imagine everything he's been through I mean him being locked up his whole life and not having his family's love and compassion must be hard. At least I knew my mother but then again maybe if I didn't know her the pain would have been less.

"It's ok. Do you want to talk about it? I heard you talking in your sleep. Your mom died to?" He looked at me with genuine eyes.

"Yeah, she killed herself." I felt a tear roll down my eye and I felt a hand wipe it off. As I turned to him he took his hand off my face.

"My mom died to. My dad killed her, apparently didn't want her to tell anybody they had a kid together. He didn't want it to look bad. I mean imagine it the king cheating on his wife with the help. He said it would have ruined his reputation." He turned away from me to wipe off his own eyes.

"I'm sorry. I guess were both broken." It was silent until he looked at me and we just stayed there for a few minutes.

"Yeah I guess we are." After that he said I should get some sleep and I didn't argue. I actually feel myself drifting off when he said that

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