Chapter 8:The family

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Jake's POV

I left the run down building and took off. It took me about a day to get to her house. I rang the doorbell. A young dude opened the door and right away I can tell its her brother. They kinda look alike. He has dark brown hair but he has green eyes unlike Danielle. He's a little taller than her to but right away I can tell somethings off.

"I'm here to talk about your sister's death." I said hoping my voice doesn't sound like I'm lying. He looks at me kinda sad.

"I don't want to talk about it. Do you need to speak to my father for anything? He's in his office." Somethings definitely is off.

"Son, who's at the door." An old man comes from a door off to the right. "Oh hello can I help you?"

"Yes sir you and your son need to come with me."

"Is this about the test to make sure were ok." I immediately know what he's talking about. See since her whole family didn't turn crazy they would want to make sure they didn't turn crazy by her dying...I'm just glad I got here first.

"Yes sir it's about the test. It is mandatory and you should know that. Any suspicious activity will be reported to him." I kinda just made that up hoping it was enough to get them to come with me before the authority comes and drag them away.

"Ok then if it's necessary." The old man started walking.


"No son he's right lets go. That's your car." I nodded and he went along with his son and me into the unknown.

*three hour later
The car ride is silent and I kind of miss Danielle annoying me. I wonder what she's doing right now. She probably got herself killed for real. I laughed at the thought...I should know better she's tough...she is just fine.

This car ride sucks. I have been in this car for hours and I feel like running it off a bridge. They are just whispering to themselves in the backseat like I have no feelings. Whatever. I drive on an empty road trying to clear my thoughts when the unthinkable happens. I'm being chocked from behind. Wow I did not know my death would come to this. The car swerved on the side of the road as I tried to get away.

"" I tried to talk but he told me to be quiet.

"Now your going to let us take the car and we might let you live."

"Why??" I'm losing air and I feel like I'm about to pass out.

"Because you were going to figure out our little secret. Might as well tell you anyway since your going to die...we are awake..." I think I'm losing my mind but I need to live. I need to kill him.

"Danielle's...alive." That was the last thing I remember before I blacked out. After I blacked out I dreamed. It wasn't a nice dream with rainbows and shit, it was a nightmare but what made it worse is that it actually happened. I relived that day when I was thirteen and I picked the lock off the cell and went upstairs. My father had company over so he was nice saying that I was one of the maids kids which was true but nobody knew I was his kid. He excused himself from them and brought me back downstairs and when we got down there he slapped me. He threw me in the room which just had a bed and a toilet in it telling me to never do that again. Yelling over and over again....he also whipped me that day. I still have the scars and I still feel the pain. After that day he whipped me on my back with a whip every time I did something I wasn't suppose to. I cried myself to sleep that night and many other nights after. The thing I learned was that I couldn't be weak so I started working out so I could defend myself. When I turned 18 last year I fought him but he got someone to hold me down that was stronger and whipped me more times then I could count.

When I woke up I was in the backseat tied up by rope. I took those awful memories and put them aside because the truth is that I could never get rid of them and the truth is that I don't want to. It helps me know what I'm fighting for and makes me stronger.

"Tell me what you know about my daughter." Greg said. He looks older than the picture they have on file. He has green eyes and brown hair. That must be where his son get's his looks.

"I broke her out."

"Your lying. They told me she was dead." He looked sad and like he didn't get enough sleep.

"Why would you care if you are under. I know you can't have all these feelings if your weren't awake."

They both looked at each other. "Who are you?" Sam asked. He does look like his father a lot.

"I guess I got to explain this again great." I said sarcastically and I said the story of my life to them. Leaving out the parts where my father abused me. They don't need to know that...nobody does.

"She's alive?" Greg said looking out of the window like he's in deep thought.

"Why should we believe you?" Sam asked.

"I was taking you to her. The authorities were already coming to your house to test you again to see if you went crazy. How did you manage to pass the other test?" I was quite curious.

"I lied and acted like their little slave and told them Sam was fine and didn't need a test and that I would contact them if he showed any signs of feelings." He looked at me with pleating eyes "please take me to my daughter."

"DAD" Sam yelled at his father.

"Shut up. I trust him" he untied me and I started the car and drove away.

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