Chapter 6: the night part 2

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Jake's POV

**I have the same dream about my dad yelling at me telling me I shouldn't exist. He's always so violent when he's drunk. I mean who can honestly abuse their kid but when I heard he killed my mother I knew that he always had it in him. That's why he didn't feel sorry for me when he locked me up before I could even talk. He thought I was a disgrace and that I should rot in hell.***

I woke up for the dream and looked around. I forgot where I was for a second. I went to go sit on the couch to collect my thoughts and closed my eyes going back to my dream.

*I actually had no one to talk to. I only talked to the person who brought me food everyday. I mean not a lot of people were allowed in the basement. I still remember that day that changed my life though. It was when I just turned 10. It was my birthday and I wanted to kill myself. I felt like if I wasn't here it wouldn't make a difference, I mean my dad hated me anyway. Then I heard the basement door open and shut and footsteps coming down the stairs. I thought that nobody should be coming down here at this time, they already brought me my lunch. I go toward the door and I see a boy around my age coming down the stairs and he looks like he was crying.

"Hey are you ok?" I asked the boy on the other side of the door. He must have been surprised cause he jumped. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's ok, I'm ok. My dad was just angry that's all he said he didn't mean it but it still hurt." Right away I could tell who he meant and what he meant.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked being curious if the asshole of a father mentioned me. I doubt if he did...only the people who work for him know who I am.

"Yeah...your Jake?"

"How do you know who I am?" I don't even know this kid but he seems so familiar. He has dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes.

"Heard the staff talk about a boy named Jake who was down here. They say your really nice and heard my father saying he didn't care if you lived or died...are you sick?" He asked glancing at me like he could tell if I'm sick or not.

"No I'm not sick. I'm being punished I guess you could say." He looked sad as he pondered at the thought.

"Why are you being punished?" He came closer to the cell and sat on the floor facing me.

"For being alive." And that was the truth. I was punished because I'm not suppose to be here.

"I'm sorry. Maybe I can come down when I can so you can have someone to talk to and we can be good friends." He looked at me with a genuine smile and from that moment I thought that maybe I would be ok.

"I would like that." *

I woke up to the sound of a scream and when I turned I noticed that it was Danielle. I rushed to her and woke her up. I guess she had bad dreams to. We sat on the couch and talked and I never felt like I could relate to anyone else but her.

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