Chapter 13:The truth

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Jake's POV

When I woke up this morning next to Danielle I thought I was dreaming. I even had to pinch myself to make sure. I wanted to stay laying next to her all day but today is a very big day...I'm going to go kill my father. I should be scared or something but I feel calm which frightens me more.

I got out of her bed and covered her up with the covers and left her to rest. I walked the halls going to get ready when Greg turns the corner. Great just great.

"Good morning Jake I was looking for you. We need to talk about a lot of things before we go" I would rather jump off a bridge.

"Sure Mr. Smith follow me" I lead him to a room with two chairs and a table in between...kinda like an interrogation room.

I sat down and motioned him to sit as well.

"So what would you like to talk about" I was very nervous which surprised me.

"Well everything. I want to start from the beginning if that's ok with you."

"Um sure I'm confused anyway."

"Great lets begin. When I first meet...well lets not go that far. When my wife got offered a job at the facility working with your father she took it right away. She said it would be good for our family and she was right. It helped us live but something was bothering her. One day she came home and told me that she couldn't do it anymore that she couldn't make people mindless zombies. She operated on me and took it out of my brain. She said that there was a simpler way
of getting it out of the children since I almost practically died. I didn't know what she meant but she was having nightmares about everything she was doing. I told her not to worry that we were safe...I went to the store with my children and when I got back well she was dead" he had tears in his eyes and was looking at the wall.

"Now I know what she meant. The kids snapped out of it and I tried to tell them to stop crying but they wouldn't listen. I had to smack them out of it, I could only get Sam to stop crying once I did the authorities came and took my baby away and I couldn't fight them cause if I did I would have gotten taken away as well. I did what I thought was right and tried to forget. Now that she knows that I knew we will never have a good relationship but I know I did wrong I lied to her about so many things..."

I tried to take it all in but I can't...this is so complicated. He lied to her about other things? Luckily I didn't have to say anything my brother came in the room and asked to talk to me...thank God for that. We exited the room and Lucas closed the door and said, "we need to go now its our best window everyone is ready" he looked scared.

"Are you ok" I should know my brother by now he's scared because he doesn't want to die but I already did so it doesn't faze me one bit.

"Yeah its time to get going we should get everybody ready"

" think I messed up dude or at least I think I did. I don't really know I'm confused I mean I really like her and...." my brother looked at me and I could already tell what he's going to say.

"What happened?"

"I kissed her and then she kissed me and then we went to sleep together...not like sleep together I mean like actually sleeping nothing happened like that" my brother looked shocked to say the least.

"Did you tell her?"

"No" that was all I could say before Marc came and interrupted us.

"Hey I thought we were leaving lets get everyone ready to go in five minutes...Now" he walked off in the next room to tell the others. Since when did he get bossy.

My brother was telling me we will talk about it later when Danielle walked into the room and I smiled at her and when she came closer my brother left us alone...great thanks a lot Lucas

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