Chapter 9:The brother

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Danielle's POV

We left the next day. I was taught a couple of self defense moves and how to use weapons. I was actually getting the hang of it.

When we got there it was night time. It was a small building about a block away from the ruler's building that nobody is allowed to go into.

Diana opened the door and let us all in then closed it and locked it. We were approached by a boy that doesn't look that much older than me.

As we approached he shook my hand and said something but I couldn't hear him cause I was so mesmerized by his beauty. He has blonde hair and blue eyes and he's wearing a tight blue shirt to where I could see his muscles.

"Hmmmm" I said. Not being aware of anything.

"I said Danielle is such a beautiful name for a beautiful women" He smiled and for some reason he looked kinda familiar.

"You know me, how?" before I could say anymore I was interrupted.

"of course he knows you, his brother informed him on everything" Yasameen said. I noticed she had a accent.

"It's good to see you Yasa" he gave her a hug. LUCKY!!!! Ok girl snap out of it.

"Oh, your Lucas?" I forgot Jake mentioned he had a brother no wonder he looked familiar. They looked so much alike except that Lucas had blonde hair.

"Yes, my brother must have mentioned me then" he was looking at me.

"Not really and he said you were his half brother" I was very curious about this part maybe he can give me more information.

"Yes I am. Why don't we get you settled in and if you want Danielle you can ask me questions later. I know that Jake probably didn't tell you much." He walked us to a couple of rooms that we will be staying in for the time being and told me where his room was so when I got settled he told me to meet him there.

*an hour later
I got settled in and got me a cup of water because I was thirsty and proceeded to Lucas' room. I was kinda walking fast and I didn't see where I was going and ran into a hard body.

"Fuck" A deep voice said. I looked up to see Lucas in front of me with water on his shirt.

"I'm so sorry" I felt embarrassed for two things. For me spilling the water on him and for me staring at him.

"It's ok I guess come on in just let me change my shirt real quick" he walked into his room and I followed stoping at the door frame. He took his shirt off walking to his dresser and I think I was drooling but then I got to my senses and I noticed that he had scars on his back some old and some new.

"What happened to your back?" He stoped what he was doing and his jaw tightened as he balled his hands into fist while he arched his back. WOW...he is just WOW. God Danielle why don't you just tell him how sexy he looks and get it over with. Can someone kill me now???

"That is a long and frightening story" he turned around and looked at me. He had a tear in his eye. "I shouldn't complain you been through hell."

"You might know my story but you don't know my pain. Don't try and think your pain is insignificant to mine because of what happened to me besides you look worse than I do" that made him chuckle. He sat on his bed and motioned me to sit down. I sat down next to him feeling weird because...well he was still shirtless.

"When I was little my mother was so kind but she seemed so afraid. My father well he was just a nightmare and now I know why she seemed so scared. He was a violent man when he was drunk. He use to beat me and my mother. I found out I had a half brother when I was nine and that's when he started whipping me. I overheard his conversation with one of the cooks and he mentioned Jake and I overheard so many other ones as well, that is why he whipped me. I was twelve when I went down to the basement...I needed somewhere quiet to cry and then I meet him. I knew my father was a cheater and so did my mother. After I went down there I got whipped and got whipped multiple more times because I keep going down to his cell talking to him and giving him more food because Jake looked like he was being starved to death" he wasn't looking at me. He was focused on the wall. I don't know how it happened but somehow I was holding his hand and I had my arm around his shoulders. "The thing is that I would do it all over again if I had the choice. I wouldn't want it to be any different. He is my brother and he is all I have left." He then looked at me with tears in his eyes and I can really tell how much he loves his brother, even if they have a different mother they have the same father and they helped each other through so much pain. I wish I had someone to help with my pain. I haven't been able to talk to nobody ever since my mom died.

"I know this wont help but I'm sorry" I hugged him and he hugged me back. We stayed there for awhile in each other's embrace.

After we hugged we just looked at each other when something came to my mind. "Did Jake get whipped to?" I realized I was whispering.

"That is not for me to say. He will tell you in time I know he cares about you" he just looked at me.

"Hey y'all Jake's here" Marc appeared in the doorway making us look at him. Once he noticed our positioned he smirked.

"Sorry If I interrupted your moment but Jake is here and he wants to see you Lucas." Lucas got up first and left his room and I just sat there wondering why the hell life hated me.

"Are you coming he wants to see you to but I'm not sure he will be happy that you're making a move on his brother" he smiled at my face.

I got up and walked past him saying "I'm not making a move on his brother"

But all I heard was of course you aren't with a chuckle as I walked to where Jake was hoping he and my family was ok.

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