Chapter 7:the friends

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Danielle's POV

I woke up this morning wishing that I never woke up. We got in the car immediately and he told me his friends would be in a warehouse and it would take a day to get there and then they would meet us where his brother was while he goes gets my family. I'm suppose to stay with his friends because my family thinks I'm dead so it's better if I go with them. I must have looked scared cause he said that his friends were cool and that I would get along with them well. I would stay at the warehouse with them one extra day while he goes and gets my family ready for the journey to the safe house his brother was in.

"We're here." He drove up to a dirty warehouse and honked the horn three times. The garage door opened and he drove the car into the darkness.

The garage door closed and the lights turned on seeing three people on his side of the car. I'm definitely going to die today.

He got out the car and told me to do the same. "Their not going to bite." He told me as he left the car. Yeah cause I'm worried about three people bitting me.

I got out the car and walked very slowly towards Jake and stood behind him like some kind of shield.

"She does know we're on her side right?" An Asian looking boy said to Jake.

"I told her that but she's very stubborn." He looked at me and said "Its ok they won't hurt you." He looked at me with concerned eyes.

"She's probably confused cause you probably gave her no information at all. Like you always do" One of the girls said and the other ones nodded in agreement.

"Yeah well the less she knows the better. Come on let's go inside and eat." They all left to go inside except Jake.

"Come on. None of these people will hurt you I will explain everything when we get somewhere we can all talk privately and then you can know them better, deal?" He held out his hand for me to hold.

"Deal." I took his hand and we walked into a crowded area with tables everywhere. It's about 20 or so people in here eating. I must have tightened my grip on his hand cause he looked back at me and smiled and said it was ok. It made me feel better in a way knowing he won't let anything happen to me as we crossed the area. We walked into a small sitting area and Jake closed the door.

"Ok lets get started." They all sat down on the couches which left me sitting next to Jake on one sofa and the other three on the other sofa.

"Why don't we start by saying our names. Danielle must be very confused." the girl who spoke before said.

"We don't got time for that, we are sticking to the plan right? Nothing's going to change?" The boy said and they all stated talking at the same time.

"SHUT UP!!!" I actually didn't know where that came from but it got their attention so I guess its time to get some answers. "Who are y'all. What is this place?Who are all those people?" They stared at me for a while and the boy laughed.

"Wow dude I can't believe you told her nothing. We're the people that's going to help Jake here kill his father and anyone else who follows him. We are the resistance, people who escaped before the government could lock us up because we were crazy." He put up his hands and air quoted the word crazy. "I'm Marc by the way its nice to meet you Danielle."

Marc seemed nice enough. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes. Looks about my age and seems harmless enough.

"How...why...what..." that's basically all I could muster right now...I'm so tired.

"I think you broke her dude." Marc said looking at me with concern.

"No she's fine" Jake got up and says "I'm going now to get your family don't do anything that's going to get you killed and I will see you in a couple of days." He told them goodbye and left. Great now I'm alone.

"You must be tired" the same girl said. She has brown hair and brown eyes and honestly she's so pretty. Now that I think about it so is the other one. "let me show you where you will be sleeping." She got up and told me to follow her. We walked through the building and walked into a room that is huge with a big open area with some sofas by a t.v. in a corner. "This is where we fight and hang."


"Yeah we have to know how to defend ourselves, by the way my name's Diana...can you fight?" She looked at me.

"I been in prison basically my whole life so that's a no." I actually am starting to like her I mean she seems nice enough.

"Yeah but Jake's been in prison his entire life but he at least taught himself how to fight and basically worked out all the time or so he says." She laughed at that part I guess they all became good friends.

"Here we are." She opened the door to a small room and when I walked in it has just a bed and a door next to it. I opened and it was a bathroom with a shower. Thank ya Lord...

"Ok thanks."

"No problem just get some rest and come out whenever your ready. We will be in that big room you passed up." She started to close the door but then I said "we?"

"Yeah me, Marc and Yasameen. She's the other girl but not really a talker but she's super nice. She's the one who hacked into the system for Jake, for him to get in and for your door to open and everything. Oh and there are some clothes in the linen closet in the bathroom in case you want to shower." She closed the door and left me with my thoughts.

I guess all I can do now is get some sleep.

*I woke up and felt so much better but I know I probably look like shit. I go into the bathroom and take a well deserved shower. I get out and put on a pair of jeans, a shirt and some sneakers. I look at myself in the mirror and I honestly don't look as bad as I thought. I mean sure I'm nothing special with brown hair and dark brown eyes but I'm not ugly. I should say I'm medium.

I walked out into the hall and went to the big room with the couches in the corner. Diana and Yasameen are sitting on the couch chatting and Marc is in the middle of the room.

"Hey." I walk over to them.

"Hey. I'm Yasameen." She also has brown hair but really light brown eyes. Honestly she's so pretty. Why is that everybody I meet they are so good looking?

"What's he doing?" We all look over at Marc who is currently swinging a wooden stick around.

"Training. He's actually really good." Diana said.

"Oh ok" I actually start laughing to myself. I mean how can you hurt someone with a stick.

"Do you want to know how to fight Marc or I can teach you?" Diana smiled at me and told me how they all were taught how to fight but Marc was the martial arts person in the group and that Yasameen just hacks stuff for them so she only knows self defense.

"Um maybe later." I walk over to Marc whose spinning the stick everywhere.

"So I heard your the greatest martial arts person who ever lived." I laughed a little and he chuckled.

"Yeah something like that."

"How are you going to hurt someone with a stick?" I was honestly confused as to how that's a weapon unless he just stabs people with it but there is no point on it.

"Are you doubting my skills?" He gave me a questioning look.

"Maybe, but that's only because I really don't think you can do any harm with a stick." And with that I ended up on the floor with one swing. I hit my head hard on the floor. He squatted down next to me and laughed.

"Are you doubting me now? You know I could have killed you. Come back later and I can teach you how to fight, you are so going to need it " He got up and left without even offering me a rude.

Thankfully Diana came to the rescue and helped me up.

"Told you he was good."

"No you said he could fight I just made him angry." She laughed and asked if I wanted her to teach me how to defend myself and Marc could teach me the rest. Apparently it was a team effort because I have lots to learn in so little time.

Crazy?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें