Chapter 15:The choice part 2

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Jake's POV

To say that we were screwed was an understatement. None of these people were killers but have been training their whole life. Oh well if we die at least we die with dignity...right?

I really don't know the only thing on my mind is Danielle. I can't stop thing about it. She said she would choose me but its kinda like she has no choice and I don't want her to have no choice. It doesn't matter anyway she's never going to forgive me after this anyway.

I look at her talking to the other girls...I see her smile...and laugh. She is honestly the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I could watch her smile all day...I could watch her laugh all day. I wonder what it would be like if we dated. Would I be able to make her laugh and smile? Would I make her happy...if only I could find out. If only I could get out of this...if only there was another way we meet.

"Dude I was thinking..." my brother stopped talking and looked in the direction I was looking. "You have been staring at her for ten minutes just tell her about her mom" I tightened my jaw remembering the scene that day...remembering someone telling me she was dead...the last conversation we had...I remember everything but I was to afraid to tell her that I knew her mother. I wasn't ready for the consequences yet...

I looked at my brother wondering if he was going to die in this war...if I was going to die in this war. "Is everyone ready?"

"Yeah we are." I turned back to look at Danielle hoping and praying that she doesn't die. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to pathetic right I mean I only known her for what a couple of weeks and I'm already falling for I did fall for her.

"Good then lets go and tell TN she can come with us she could be useful and you know it." I didn't have time to deal with there problems. I know that my brother is very protective over her especially since she has no parents...he's like an older brother but we could use her. She is a good fighter and he knows it.

"You do know that if she dies its on you?" I turned to my brother wondering if this is the last time I will ever see his face.

"If anybody dies its on me" which was true.

"Ok then...Alright everybody listen up." My brother yelled and everyone became quiet.

"The plan is simple follow us and don't get killed its easy enough we leave now" I take one more glance at Danielle wishing there was another way to deal with this but there is no other way and I'm running out of time and with that thought I lead us all to war...I lead us all to my war praying that Danielle makes it out alive that they all do because this is my war and I don't know why I can't face it alone...

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