Chapter 12:The talk

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Jake's POV

I knew what I had to do but I didn't want to leave her in the dark. I was so conflicted with myself  I felt like jumping off a bridge. Maybe after all of this is over we can all jump off a bridge. Wouldn't that be fun? I heard yelling from down the hall. This wasn't good...I hope Danielle is ok I can hear her yelling. I try to muffle the yelling when it stops completely I peak out my door and saw Yasameen trying to get Danielle out of there. Good I thought I didn't want her to suffer anymore than what she has to. I will check on her later.

A couple of hours later I knocked on her door. I wanted to make sure she was ok. How pathetic was I? I heard her say to leave her alone so I walked into her room and closed the door. She was in a fetal position on her bed. I sighed. I went to the other side of her bed and sat down.

"Do you want to talk about it" I looked at her and she looked like offense she just looks like she's been crying and looks tired.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone" she sat up right and put her knees up to her face looking at me.

"Yeah well I don't listen that well" which was true I couldn't even tell her the truth even though I told myself I should.

"Did you know?"

"No not a first but after they tried to kill me I figured it out" ah yes the memories.

"They were wrong from keeping it from me, mom would have wanted us all together even if we all did end up in prison" she was speaking so low I had to get closer to hear.

"I'm sorry"

"Whatever, it doesn't matter what they say anyway I can never forgive them for what they did."
I understand completely but then again I know in the future she will probably never forgive me either.

"Yeah but they are still your family. They are all you have left"

"Just because they are all I have left doesn't mean anything. I rather be alone then be with people who lie to me...and you are doing the same thing. You are trying to kill your father...yeah sure he did some bad things but he's still your father right? You should work it out" I could tell she was upset and to be honest she made me mad.

"That's not the same thing. My father is a horrible man" before I could continue she interrupted me.

"Well that's how I feel to. You can't just tell me to forgive them, that's my choice to make and why are you even here shouldn't you be with your brother or something to make sure he's ok?"

"He's fine why wouldn't he be" Even though I knew what she was talking about. Of course he would share his whole life story to a stranger.

"He was crying to me earlier...I'm just worried about him that's all" of course. He took his shirt off so she saw...she saw what type of monster my father was.

"He's fine. I talked to him earlier"

"Are you ok? Do you want to talk about it? You know I'm here for you right? I mean even if we don't know each other to well we still lost people close to us" I can't believe what she's saying. It's like she doesn't even care about her own problems anymore...and I can't believe I'm actually going to tell her my life goes nothing I guess.

I sighed and let the words finally be spoken "You know how my brother said he got beat and don't worry he told me he told you. Well I did to, around the same time he did. My father was punishing me before that though. I didn't have the proper care when I was younger and didn't get a lot of food. I was sick most of the time. He thought I would die I always prayed for that day when I would. Then my brother came and turned everything around for me. He was there for me...he was my only friend. He gave me food and helped me get my strength. After that I trained. I became a fighter and when my dad whipped me I became an even stronger one." I didn't realize I was crying and Danielle was holding me. People say that when you cry in front of someone you trust them. I guess that's the truth because I never cried in front of anyone but my brother.

"Shhhhhhh its ok I'm here" even though I barely know her and even though she has her own problems she is still trying to help me. She is in a way saving me.

She has my head on her chest as she tries to calm me down but I don't take to long to stop crying. I can hear her heartbeat and how slowly it's moving but it started going rapidly and I started to calm down big heart also moving faster then before for some reason.

I look up at her and she had some tears in her eyes but all I could think at that time was that she was beautiful.

I did the thing I told myself I wouldn't do. I did the thing I told my brother I wouldn't do. I gave into my feelings and cupped my hands around her cheeks and pulled her to me gently and kissed her. She kissed me back for some strange reason and my heart felt like it was going to explode. I felt hot tears and when I pulled back I noticed she was crying but I was crying also. We just stared at each other not wanting to let each other go.

"What do we do now?" She looked at me with such emotion.

"I don't know...but do you regret it?" In that moment I knew I didn't regret kissing her but did she regret kissing me? Yes we might be on the same side now but in the end are we truly?

She didn't say anything, instead she kissed me back and in that moment I knew she didn't either.

Once we were done kissing we laid down and I had my arm wrapped around her waist like I'm protecting her from the world but the question is how do I protect her from myself?

With that thought in my head I went to sleep.

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