Finding Fenton

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 As soon as the boys got back to the Hardy residence, Frank and Joe made a mad dash into the house. They paused in surprise when they saw Janelle Radley and her children sitting with Trudy in the living room. Her two daughters, Samantha and Jordan, got up and hugged Frank and Joe.

"We're sorry to hear about your dad," said Jordan as she hugged Joe tightly.

"We want to help you get him back," Samantha said firmly.

Stephan, the youngest and the only boy, hopped off the sofa and marched up to the Hardys. "I want to beat up some bad guys too!" Janelle cleared her throat. Stephan groaned and crossed his arms. "But Mom won't let me."

Frank chuckled and patted his shoulder. "Thanks, Steph, but we'll leave fighting the bad guys to the police, alright? Though I'm sure there's something you can do to help."

"And the only way to find out what that is is to let them get upstairs and plan this rescue already," blurted Trudy.

"Mom's already in the study?" asked Joe.

"No duh. Sam and Jack are with her and Collig's already on the line."

The boys gasped and dashed up the stairs.

"Hey, wait for us!" blurted Chet as the rest of the group dashed up the stairs after them.

Frank and Joe burst into the study where their mother was sitting in their father's desk chair with Sam and Jack standing on either side. Jack, Jerry, Slim, and Pete seemed to have forgotten the telescope as they had been paying more attention to what was going on at the desk. They had jumped when the boys burst in. But Laura was soon across the room upon the entrance of her sons. She wrapped an arm around each boy and pulled them into a big hug. The boys were more than happy to return the hug.

"The boys just showed up, didn't they?" came Collig's voice over the phone.

Sam chuckled before answering. "You got that right, Ezra."

"Hi Chief!" called the boys.

"Hi Frank, Joe! I assume, I hope your trip was successful."

At that moment, the rest of the Hardys' friends came into the room and heard the question. Biff and Chet whooped.

"Oh boy, yes sir we did!" shouted Tony to be heard over the cheers.

"Ah, the whole gang is there! Wonderful! Now, tell us what you found."

The boys took turns telling about the whole trip, ending with the mostly relaxing swim.

"So you have it marked down, Phil?"

"Yes sir!" said Phil with a salute.

"You know he can't see you, right?" whispered Jerry. Phil grinned sheepishly as he brought his hand down.

"Tony, Biff, think you can find your way back to that cave in the dark?" asked Laura thoughtfully.

"I think so," said Biff.

"I'm pretty sure I can," said Tony.

Laura nodded. "Good."

"What are you thinking, Laura?" asked Collig.

Laura went back to the desk chair and sat down. "I'm thinking that the boys split up. Tony, Biff, and Phil will go with the Coast Guard and keep an eye on the cave. I think Jack, Jerry, Chet and I will go with you and the State Police to keep an eye on the road. Slim and Pete should be with Sam and Jack and keep an eye on things from the air."

"Wait, but who's going to pose as Frank and Joe?" asked Jack.

Laura sighed. "No one, none of you could pose as brothers, and none of you have blonde hair."

Hardy Boys -1. The Tower TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now