Springing the Trap

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 Frank recalled the secret passage to the attic and ushered his father and his brother in that direction. Frank suggested that Joe and Fenton go up the secret stairs to the attic while he would go up the ladder to make sure nothing was obscuring the trap door. He made sure Fenton and Joe got into the secret passageway and that the hidden door was closed securely behind them before dashing into the room across the hall. He pulled the ladder down and clambered up it quickly but quietly. He pulled up the ladder right as he could hear some men walking past. They paused, and he paused, his heart pounding.

"Hey, Red, Klein."

"Yeah boss?"

"Send two men to Ali with the medicine. We have got to get that out. We can't have any delays on that. We can postpone our own departure, but Ali needs to have that when the Marco Polo leaves tomorrow."

"We'll handle that, boss." Frank didn't hear any more as he quietly closed the attic door. He pulled out his phone and used the light feature to take a quick look around for a good hiding place. He saw several crates in one corner with a tarp on top of it. They could pull the tarp down for extra coverage if they needed it, but for now, it would do. He quickly tiptoed over to the secret trap door and opened it.

"What took you so long?" hissed Joe.

"Snattman was in the hall with Red, Klein, and a few others," said Frank as he helped his father into the attic. "I don't know if they've finished their little meeting yet, but it's only going to be a few minutes before they find out Dad's gone."

"Do you know if any of the gang knows about that secret passage?" asked Fenton as Joe quickly and quietly closed the trap door.

Frank shrugged. "We have no clue." He glanced at Joe. "Do you remember if the footprints went near this area?"

Joe thought a moment. "Maybe not? I don't quite remember. Ugh, I should have taken pictures of them!"

"Too late now. Come on, we can hide behind those crates for now," said Frank.

"Wait, wouldn't it be better to hide in the secret passage?" asked Joe.

Fenton shook his head. "And risk Snattman finding us and cornering us there? No, best to hide behind those crates. If Snattman finds us behind the crates and doesn't know about the secret passage . . ."

Frank slowly grinned as the realization of what his father was suggesting hit him. "Let Snattman think he's got the upper hand, but we have the element of surprise."

Fenton winked. "Bingo." The boys glanced at each other and grinned before helping their father the rest of the way to the crates. Once they were situated, Frank pulled down the tarp while Joe pulled out some candy bars and handed them to his father. "Thanks," said Fenton as he took one. "Haven't eaten the past two days. Snattman was at least nice enough to let me shower this morning."

"Oh, well, at least he keeps his prisoners clean," mumbled Joe. Fenton grinned before wolfing down the bars.

"Well, it seems that . . ."

They heard the attic door swing open with a bang. The three instinctively crouched down as far as they could behind the crates as a pair of feet came clambering up the ladder. They barely dared to breathe as a light was swung from side to side over the attic. Sure, it was best to let Snattman find them here, but if they could stall that long enough for the police and the coast guard to capture the gang, they would be good.

It sounded like a few boxes was moved around before the light disappeared and a pair of feet stomped down the ladder.

"No one's up there!" they heard a guy say before the attic was closed again. Frank slowly peered out from under the tarp. His let his eyes adjust to the near complete darkness and glanced around. He couldn't make out any shapes. He quickly slid back under the tarp and the three waited for several minutes. When no one came back into the attic and they were fairly sure no one else was in the attic but them, then Frank pulled out his cell phone and texted his mother.

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