Searching for Treasure

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 Frank mumbled as he rolled over. He rubbed his eyes, they felt so heavy. He could hear Joe's heavy breathing from the other bed. So then why were his ears ringing? His eyes widened, wait, that wasn't ringing in his ears, that was the phone ringing! He threw off the covers and nearly tumbled out of bed in his mad dash to get to the phone. By the time he got out to the hallway, his father had already picked it up.

"Fenton Hardy speaking. Yes, hi Chief, what do you have?" Fenton had his back to Frank for a moment before he turned. Frank gulped when he saw the look of disappointment etched on his father's face. "Both are still at large?" Frank's eyes widened. They hadn't caught Klein yet? And who else got away? "I see. No, no, I don't blame you, or your men, or Robinson and his men, or the State Police. Two men can easily give a whole army the slip." A slight smirk formed on his lips. "Trust me, I know how that works." There was a pause as Fenton listened to Collig. "No, I think you should relax on the search for Connors and Singh. Without Snattman to tell them what to do, they'll slip up, no doubt about it."

Frank's eyes widened and his mouth dropped as he stepped closer to Fenton. Fenton saw him and raised an eyebrow. "Ali Singh got away?" Frank mouthed. Fenton nodded. He turned his attention back to listening to Collig.

"That's right, Ezra, go lax on your search for Connors and Singh. Don't stop looking for them, but don't send out every man you have to comb the countryside for them."

Frank gasped. "The Tower Mansion treasure! Red told Klein where it is, and he said Ali knew too! We find that treasure, we'll find them!" he whispered excitedly.

Fenton grinned. "Say what? Oh, sorry Ezra, Frank's here, and he just came to the same conclusion I did. We need to find the Tower Mansion treasure, we'll find our men for sure." His face fell. "Really? He did?" He chuckled ruefully. "I almost expected him to take the secret to his grave, didn't think he actually would."

"Wait, what!" blurted Frank.

"Sh!" said Fenton. "Keep it down!"


"Hang on Ezra." Fenton placed his hand over the mouthpiece. "Red Jackley died without telling where he hid the treasure. No mention of an old tower either. Thank goodness Reilly, Franklin, and your friends overheard that piece of information, or we wouldn't have anything to go off of."

Frank moaned. "Go figure. Klein and Ali Singh might have already found it and made off with it."

Fenton shook his head. "Doubtful. We have State Police and several of Collig's own men watching the roads out of Bayport."

"To New York City?"

Fenton nodded. "Naturally."

Something was gnawing at the back of Frank's mind, something he saw, but he couldn't quite remember. Something red? What was it? "What about the neighboring towns?" he muttered slowly. He thinks he's hit on it, or at least, close to it, whatever it was.

Fenton thought a moment before removing his hand and talking into the mouthpiece. "Ezra? Frank just asked about the neighboring towns." He listened before giving a slight nod. "Ah, I gotcha. Good plan." He put his hand over the mouthpiece again. "Robinson has several ships out patrolling the surrounding areas. Really, they could only head to New York or out to sea to escape. They have it all covered."

Frank pursed his lips. "But you're asking them to slack off?"

Fenton shook his head. "Just the search parties, not the patrol."

Frank nodded. That made sense, let the criminals come to them instead of constantly looking for them and waste valuable time that could be put to use fighting other crime in the city. The State Police blockade on the way to New York and the Coast Guard was plenty enough to catch two men. He hoped, anyway.

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