Carpet time

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Cameron's POV
Today is the day. By that I mean today is the day we premiere our movie. I am so excited. It's currently 9:30 am and I walk out of my bedroom to see Lauren making breakfast.

I go up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I feel her lean herself into me.

"Whatcha cooking?" I say then kissing her temple.

"Just some eggs and bacon."

"Mmm" she giggles and I move her hair to her right side as I slowly plant kisses down her jawline and neck.

"Babe I'm making breakfast." I just smile on her neck. I continue to place kisses this time a little more aggressively. I suck on her pulse point earning a moan out of the angel.

She turns around and faces me this time cupping my cheeks pulling me in for a passionate and aggressive kiss. I turn off the stove not breaking the kiss and put my hands around her waist and pulling her closer to me.

This leads her to moan again allowing me to slide my tongue in. We make out for about five minutes until she pulls away.

"Ok now I have to finish making breakfast." She pats my arm and I just laugh.

"Fine" She turns the stove back on and I walk over to grab two layers and two glasses. I set the table for us as she comes over with the pan that has the fried eggs.

She sets them down and comes over with the bacon.

"You're really wifey material aren't you?" She just playfully rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out. I laugh at how adorable she was.

We eat breakfast and I look over at the time. It was now 10:30 am. I get up and put both our dishes in the sink.

"So are you excited for tonight?" I look over at Lauren who starts walking over to me.

"Yea just nervous." She smiles and wraps her arms around me. Then she kisses my nose.

"Well that's a first." She just scrunches up her nose and I kiss it.

"Well just know I'll be right there beside you." I hug her and pick her up and start spinning .

"Ahh Cammmm! Put me down." She says through her laughs. I stopped spinning and put her down.

"Okay." Kiss her nose one last time before going to my room. So the dresser is coming over with his crew of people and then there will be a limo to come pick us up.

It's around 11:00 am when I hear the doorbell ring. I open the door to be greeted by my stylist Tom.

"Hey Tom glad you're here." I step aside letting him come in.

"Hey Cam you ready for tonight?"

"Yep just a little nervous. Anyways this is my girlfriend Lauren." I go over as Lauren stands up and shakes his hand.

"Hi. So me and my stylists are dressing both of you correct?" I nod and his stylists bring in racks of different outfits and some makeup artists come in.

After about 2 hours we were finally finished and ready for the premiere. The premiere starts at 2:00 pm so we have about 30 minutes before the car comes.

The car arrives and me and Lauren go down and see it.

"Wow this is awesome." I smiles and interlace our fingers. We get into the car and drive off to the premiere.

We arrived at the premiere. I was wearing a maroon suit while Lauren was wearing a black dress. I got out of the car first and held my hand out helping Lauren out. There was already a bunch of photographers and fans screaming and shouting.

Then I hear someone say

"And it looks like the newest actress Cameron Archer has just arrived." We were met by someone who was telling us where to go.

"Okay you too step on to the carpet and immediately pose. You're going to go from right to left all the way down the carpet. You can do what someone of the photographers are shouting. Also Cam there will be carpet interviewers you'll be interviewed by ET, Extra, and Access Hollywood." I nodded and me and Lauren went to the carpet.

I put my arm around her waist and she put hers behind my back. We stopped at the first portion and were bombarded by a lot of flashing lights.

We were told to then move down. We kept smiling and smiling. I saw Lily, Taylor, and Blake already there. We said hi and the photographers were asking again for more photos.

Me and Lauren finally made there way down the carpet to the end where I then had to go do interviews.

I finished those and it was time for the screening of it. Me and Lauren walked hand in hand into the giant theatre where the screening of the movie takes place.
(Guys Idk what they do at premieres).

Me and Lauren have assigned seats so we go to them in the theatre.

"I'm so excited." I smile and kiss her forehead.

"I'm so happy you're here."

"Me too." We share a quick kiss before it starts. Throughout the movie me and Lauren's hands were intertwined. This moment just felt so perfect.

Her being here and supporting me. Just knowing I had her by my side meant so much to me and I never want to lose her.

The movie finished and there was a loud applause. Then we get called up onto the stage. I quickly kiss Lauren's head and go to my seat on the stage. I get handed a mic and the questions start.

About 5 minutes into the questions this girl gets called on.

"Uhm hi my name is Ashley and I have a question for Cam."

"Uhm hi Ashley it's nice to meet you. What's your question?" She clears her throat and looks like she is contemplating on whether she should ask it or not.

"Uhm are you single?" I just laugh and so does everyone.

"Well uhm actually I'm not. My wonderful girlfriend Lauren is here." I just look at her and smile. She smiles back.

"Alright you heard it hear everyone the Cameron archer is not single." The announcer or interviewer says.

We went through like an hour of questions from the audience and then there was an after party. We went to the after party and had so much fun.

Me and Lauren were dancing and so was everyone there. That's when perfect came on. Lauren and I look at each other and just smile. I reach my hand out to grab hers.

"May I have this dance." She smiles and takes my hand.

"Of course." I pull her in and start slow dancing together. She put her head on my shoulder just like when we were in Paris. Tonight had to be the night I just have to do it.

We finished dancing and I kissed her. Everyone was clapping because what I didn't realize was that everyone wasn't dancing but in a circle around us recording us or just smiling. I began to blush and so did Lauren.

We kept dancing and after awhile it was starting to wind down. Me and Lauren got into the limousine and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She put her head on my shoulder and started to drift off.

Okay tonight I'm going to do it.

Okay guys so Lauren is a supportive sis. Love that. I really hope y'all are enjoying this sequel it might be coming to an end soon. Thanks for reading commenting and voting. I hope you all enjoy.


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