Chapter 47: Back to Earth

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[I guess that my power is still too much to even look at, I think god-sama should stop my growth or I might start hurting people who just look at me]: riku

[As I wait for Sora to wake I should do some training myself]: riku

As I come up with all sorts of ways to get my power more refined and under control I decide to take as much power as I can into my hand and Fire it into an Infinite Mana Absorbing Crystal.

{master, shouldn't you make a regenerating barrier to protect Sora?}: Jintō

[oh, Jintō. It's been quite a while since I've talked to you, and yeah I guess you're right, I guess I'll make him a Barrier]: riku

{you really don't have a sense of your surroundings do you master}: Jintō

[well if you think about it, Sora is a god as well]: riku

{even if he is a god, you should still think about your own son's safety}: Jintō

[yeah, your right. I've been so preoccupied with helping him grow into an adult that I forgot that he is still a kid.]: riku

{at least your rationality is still intact. It has been well over 300 years since you have been here and made me your first partner}: Jintō

[It really has been a long time, I kinda miss the days I would watch my favorite Animes and read my favorite Manga. Thinking about it now, I always thought things like what happen to me were just fantasy, but they really are real]: riku

{well I wouldn't know because I was just made from nothingness I don't even have a memory from before I felt you blood drop on my balde}: Jintō

[wow. Thats deep. Well, back to practice, also please don't keep quiet for so long, I will forget you exist if you stay quiet for so long]: riku

{you wouldn't!. Would you?}: Jintō

[Whistle, Whistle, Whistle]: riku

{Your not supposed to say Whistle!}: Jintō

[Crap!]: riku

{asshole!}: Jintō

[I was joking, I will never forget you, you are my first Blood made creation, like my son you were made from my Blood]: riku

{yeah, okay}: Jintō

[Okay, it's time to train]: riku

I really did forget about Jintō, and if he was just a little bit more talkative I would never forget him, so this is really all his fault.

As I think about how mean I am for forgetting Jintō I manifest the Crystal and place it 10m away from me. Make a Regen Shield around Sora who is still passed out and then gather all of the power I can gather without it going out of control. Then I fire it at the Mana Crystal. The Crystal then Glows with the power of the sun and then the light disappears and I repeat that for a little while.

As I am still Blasting Mana at the Crystal and collecting quite the sweat from constant use of mana the blasts that felt as if they were about to go wild were now becoming more easy to use and control.

[]: sora

As I hear Sora calling out to me I suppress my power and head over to see if he is okay.

[hey buddy, you okay?]: riku

[yeah... what happen?]: sora

[you had gathered mana in your eyes like I told you too and then after looking at my unrestrained power you passed out]: riku

[oh... so you are that powerful?]: sora

[yeah, i thought you could handle it because of your Demi-god rank]: riku

[yeah, I don't think I'm ready for that much power]: sora

[well, now we will go say goodbye to grandpa and go back to mom on my original planet, I still have some stuff to do there]: riku

[okay... can you teach me how to do that thing you were doing with that Crystal?]: sora

[maybe later when you need to train again to keep your power under control]: riku

[okay! Let's go say bye to gramps]: sora

As we enter the castle we head to the throne room to say goodbyes.

-Throne Room-

[oh, back already?]: king

[We needed to come back to tell you that we won't be coming back for a couple of years, and I thought Sora should say bye to you before I take him back with me to Kiko. we will all be back in 4 years]: riku

[4 years? Okay, in 4 years I will throw the biggest party in the kingdom]: king

[okay in 4 years will will bring really good materials for food]: riku

[oh? What could you bring that we could not procure?]: king

[Divine Dragon?]: riku

[[[WHAAA!]]]: king and 2 retainers

[in 4 years I will bring a Divine Dragon's meat for the main dish]: riku

[hmmm, so you will go on a journey for 4 years to kill the Beast hmm]: king

[yes]: riku

I didn't think that he thought that was the reason for 4 years but it works out in my favor.

[okay Sora, say goodbyes and lets go]: riku

[bye bye Gramps, I'll see you in 4 years]: sora

[bye bye sora-chan]: king

[[Sir... your the King]]: retainers

[Silence!]: king

[[Yes Sir!]]: retainers

As Sora and I left the room, I Open a portal back to Earth and we step through, we were greeted by Kiko and 2 Military guys. When they see us Kiko rushed to me and hugged me and the 2 Military guys were staring at me and Sora with their mouths dropped to the floor.

[well... fuck]: riku

[dad, what's wrong?]: sora

[we were caught, that's what's wrong]: riku

[what now?]: sora

[well... Evening guys, what brings you to my house?]: riku

[[....W-what are you?!?]]: soldiers

[well how do I explain this?]: riku

[hun, these guys came by to see if you could come by the base and I told them you would not be back for a while, but here you are]: kiko

(I am now out of Material that I had wrote. every upload from here will be slow because I am writing ever chapter as they upload thank you for your support)

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